These cornmeal griddle cakes are a simple Southern staple, made with a handful of inexpensive pantry ingredients including cornmeal, baking powder, salt,...
An easy Carrot Salad recipe from Russia called Morkovcha, with roots of Korean immigrants. Thinly julienned carrots with garlic, vinegar, spices and onions...
Gordon Ramsay's pan-fried scallops are delicious crispy scallops. They're flavored with basic seasoning spices like salt and pepper. These golden-brown...
This no-knead 5-minute artisan bread show you how to make homemade bread in just minutes a day without fuss. Quick, easy, rustic, entirely doable even...
Cheesy Garlic Brussels Sprouts with melted mozzarella or provolone cheese is the best side dish to any meal! Low Carb, Keto AND the perfect way to get...
Perfectly crispy baked zucchini chips! Tasty, healthy, low-calorie, vegan, gluten-free snack that everyone loves. And if you like to dip your chips, make...
We're celebrating Holi-a holiday celebrated across India on the last full moon day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month to mark the beginning of spring-by...
Here's what you need: bacon, all purpose flour, shredded extra-sharp cheddar cheese, McCormick® Freeze-Dried Chives, baking powder, McCormick® Pure Ground...
Before you even bake this tasty side dish, the aroma from the spices just makes you want to skip the cooking process. Since that is not going to happen,...
Mediterranean-style mustard potato salad with fresh dill, parsley, red onions and capers. The key to this potato salad is to dress the boiled potatoes...
This dish will be the most beautiful thing on your dinner table. The roses may take some time, but they are easy to form and worth the wait. In a hurry?...
This Caramelized Onions and Swiss Chard Recipe is super healthy and can easily be made vegan! We use rainbow or red chard and sometimes add peppers too!...
These roasted potatoes with dill and garlic require only a handful of ingredients and a little patience while they roast to crispy-edged, tender-throughout...
Grilled Summer Vegetable Pasta Salad is a mixture of delicious pasta mixed with the cream of the summer crops veggies. These crisp grilled vegetables along...
These pickles are quick to make and perform miracles on boring meals. I tend to munch them straight from the jar. More discerning eaters should try them...
Deep-fried artichokes may be one of the best examples of the Roman-Jewish mastery of deep frying techniques. Shatteringly crisp outside, tender within,...
Here's what you need: kalamata olive, roasted red pepper, caper, black pepper, italian seasoning, celery seed, red pepper flakes, italian giardiniera,...
Recipe video above. In my opinion, there is only one way to roast carrots - on a high temperature so they brown beautifully in the same time it cooks for...
This hearty Sweet Potato Pomegranate Salad is a perfect side for a holiday dinner or an easy-to-pack lunch. The oranges, reds, and greens make it a festive...
Kishka (also known as stuffed derma) is a traditional Jewish Ashkenazi stuffing made of flour or matzo meal, schmaltz, and spices. This recipe uses oil...
Inspired by Swiss rösti, this golden, crispy hash brown becomes a canvas for anything your heart desires. Go full-on fancy with high-end ingredients like...
These potatoes make the perfect side dish to accompany what you're throwing on the grill this summer. They're the same potato wedges you ate as a child,...
Recipe video above. This is a recipe for naan bread that's fluffy, bubbly and chewy, just as it should be. Nobody will ever mistake this for just another...
The ideal potluck dish is one that's easy to make in bulk, inexpensive, and holds up to extended heating and reheating. Frijoles charros is one superlative...
Adding oysters to Thanksgiving stuffing may sound like an odd choice, but it's a practice with a long history and delicious results. Here, raw chopped...