I had a green bean salad at a local deli and enjoyed it so much, I tried to re-create it at home. The result was yummy! It lasts for several days in the...
This creamy cheese sauce for broccoli is a great way to jazz up veggies. Try any cheese you like. For an elegant look, garish with minced parsley or grated...
This light olive oil and Parmesan cheese-based sauce is so fresh tasting. But fresh basil is the key ingredient in this pasta dish.-Salvatore Bertolinio,...
My seven children and 15 grandchildren really look forward to carrots when they're prepared this flavorful way. As a cook at our local school, I served...
When I was growing up, my dad, brother and I couldn't wait to get to the table when Mom was serving this delicious rice dish. With lots of fresh mushrooms...
This baked tomatoes recipe has been in our family for many years. My mother brought it with her when she came to the United States from Italy. When tomatoes...
This cucumber and onion salad is one of the first recipes I came up with myself. It's a great salad for picnics or potlucks. I always come home with an...
Tackle gatherings with a bright pasta salad. This tricolor toss-up with broccoli, tomatoes, olives and a hardworking dressing is one of the easiest cold...
We often steam our fresh spinach and eat it plain. But this version dressed up with red pepper, onion and garlic is a nice change. It is really quick and...
Grilling corn in the husks is so easy. There's no need to remove the silk and tie the husk closed before grilling. Just soak, grill and add your favorite...
Here's a fast and easy way to dress up fresh green beans. Basil adds bright flavor, while lemon juice and garlic bring spring to mind. -Taste of Home Test...
These oven roasted potato wedges taste just like the deep-fried kind, but they're easier and less messy to make. They're great served with fish or any...
Brighten a picnic lunch or backyard barbecue with this cheerful, fresh-tasting salad. If you use want to use sweet corn off the cob, saute the corn for...
An unusual twist on traditional baked beans, this sweet and spicy version is easy to make and is a surefire crowd pleaser-in winter or summer! -Bette Banjack,...
Tangy lime dressing is the perfect topper for this avocado salad. Toasted walnuts make for crunchy goodness, but try it with any kind of nut you like....
My husband is of Greek decent, so I'm always interested in Greek recipes. This dish goes together easily and cooks quickly, plus it costs less than packages...
I have a habit of buying too much asparagus when it's in season, but it doesn't go to waste! I toss the spears with cherry tomatoes and goat cheese for...
I've been cooking this simple rice dish for more than 40 years. The pleasant curry flavor is especially nice with roasted chicken, turkey or duck, making...
After moving, I couldn't find a Chinese restaurant that met my tastes. So, I decided to create my own Chinese dishes. This is one of my favorites, and...
"One of our favorite appetizers at a local restaurant is made with white beans and escarole. It's nearly impossible to find escarole where we live, so...
While I was growing up, my mom would make this traditional German soup. It tasted so good on chilly fall days. Knoephla (pronounce nip-fla) Soup is still...
You'll want to serve this family-friendly broccoli salad with bacon year-round. The broccoli gets a big-time flavor boost from bacon, toasted pecans, dried...
This cheesy baked asparagus is an ideal fresh asparagus recipe with a rich, creamy sauce and cashews. It's a favorite vegetable dish that is easy to prepare....
It's impossible to resist this cheesy casserole with a golden crumb topping sprinkled over colorful vegetables. A versatile side that goes with any meat,...
Using purchased shredded cabbage cuts prep time for this salad. If you don't care for raisins, chop up some dried apricots instead.-Ron Gardner, Grand...
Since trying this stuffing recipe from my sister, I haven't made any other kind. It's so moist and tasty. When a big bowlful starts circulating around...
Slightly crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, these potatoes are a hit with the family. This side dish is one of my favorites because the soup...
I like to use recipes that call for fresh produce I've grown in my garden. Here's a simple way to make baked asparagus to bring out the flavor while maintaining...
These special spears are packed with flavor, thanks to the lemon-garlic dressing they're tossed in before roasting. It's a simple, quick side that goes...
"Mildly flavored and flecked with garlic and fresh herbs, this creamy, versatile side dish can accompany a wide variety of entrees. Plus, it's a cinch...
"No matter how many tomatoes I give to neighbors, I always have too many left for my family to eat," writes Kay Lunsford of Charlotte, North Carolina....
My mother-in-law introduced me to this quick down-home dish almost 50 years ago when I was a new bride. The tender green beans are topped with diced bacon...
Homey and comforting, this custard-like side dish is a much-requested recipe at potlucks and holiday dinners. The jalapeno pepper adds just the right bite....
To dress up cauliflower, Mom used a delightful mixture of a cheesy sauce, bright red and green pepper pieces, and crushed cornflakes. We enjoyed this casserole...
This versatile recipe converts easily into a creamy dip or smooth dressing. It's delicious served with fresh veggies or drizzled over greens. -Carolyn...
My mother often made this recipe and probably grew up with it in the Appalachian area of Tennessee. She usually served it on Monday, making use of leftover...
Nothing could be more simple than this side dish. Since it has just four ingredients, I assemble it in no time, then pop it into the oven for about 15...
Friends prepared the food, including these simple yet delicious baked beans, when our daughter, Briana, married Jerad Van Der Zwaag. Chili powder enhances...
As a comfy side dish, cheese grits have fantastic potential but sometimes need a flavor boost. For add-ins, try red pepper flakes, fresh rosemary or crushed...
"Early in June, we helped Mom pick the first green sweet peas of the season. Mom combined them with potatos and green onion to create this creamy dish,...
My husband is a meat and potatoes guy, so I try new combinations for variety. In this dish, twice-baked potatoes and potato skins make a scrumptious casserole....