Delicious crispy shrimp coated in a bread crumb-Parmesan mixture. My family can't get enough of it! I would suggest doubling the recipe if you have very...
My gal loves prawns, so I looked at all the ways to prepare them with as little 'fridge-to-fork' time as possible. Makes for great 'Movie Night' finger...
A delicious mixture of caramelized shallots sauteed with shrimp and sun-dried tomatoes in a light and creamy cognac sauce. Serve hot with a side of pasta...
This sweet and spicy shrimp recipe adds a little more flavor to your standard grilled shrimp! Brush the sauce onto bacon-wrapped shrimp for equally delicious...
Get a taste of island life with Jamaican jerk-seasoned shrimp, juicy pineapple, roasted veggies, and spicy jalapenos. Serve over salad greens or, for a...
This is a warm peel-and-eat shrimp recipe that I tried to duplicate from a little bar-and-grill in Deland, Florida. The shrimp are boiled in a spicy beer...
Every summer I leave Seattle and go up to my family home in British Columbia. While we do a lot of fishing for salmon and foraging for oysters and clams,...
My favorite way to dazzle in a hurry, these shrimp take minutes to make. Full of flavor, they take the center stage at any meal, but I am also known to...
Easy recipe to put together for that laid-back 'Maui Wowie' person. Great for the beach or backyard BBQ. You will be surprised by the onolicious flavor....
A wonderful rich blend of shrimp and pasta. Sea Shells are great for a formal meal or a special meal. Sea Shells look and taste expensive but are really...
A wonderful rich blend of shrimp and pasta. Sea Shells are great for a formal meal or a special meal. Sea Shells look and taste expensive but are really...
A wonderful rich blend of shrimp and pasta. Sea Shells are great for a formal meal or a special meal. Sea Shells look and taste expensive but are really...
A wonderful rich blend of shrimp and pasta. Sea Shells are great for a formal meal or a special meal. Sea Shells look and taste expensive but are really...
A wonderful rich blend of shrimp and pasta. Sea Shells are great for a formal meal or a special meal. Sea Shells look and taste expensive but are really...
If you're a fan of fried shrimp, I've got your family covered! Light, crispy, and ... I just can't brag anymore. It's my Nan's recipe and I've never shared...
A mix of smoky sausage, briny shrimp, tender potatoes, and sweet corn go into this casual southern dinner known as a low-country boil. Using a multicooker...
A succulent, red hot, delightful dish for prawn lovers. Try it as an appetizer or as a light main dish. Serve with a salad and some rice in your own romantic...
Sauteed shrimp braised with white wine and lime juice and seasoned with cilantro and cayenne pepper. Simple, quick and delicious. Serve with a grilled...
Plump shrimp and delicate red snapper adorn this summery corn-and-tomato salad. Serve atop tender lettuce leaves and sprinkle with corn nuts for a satisfying...
This is a warm peel-and-eat shrimp recipe that I tried to duplicate from a little bar-and-grill in Deland, Florida. The shrimp are boiled in a spicy beer...
Sauteed shrimp braised with white wine and lime juice and seasoned with cilantro and cayenne pepper. Simple, quick and delicious. Serve with a grilled...
My mother gave this recipe to me and it is great for an impressive dinner party. Fresh shrimp in a wonderful creamy coconut curry sauce served over rice....
Get a taste of island life with Jamaican jerk-seasoned shrimp, juicy pineapple, roasted veggies, and spicy jalapenos. Serve over salad greens or, for a...
This subtly sweet, fairly fiery shrimp ragu served over my creamy corn custard would make a fantastic first course for any dinner, and it's certainly rich...