If you've only ordered shrimp scampi in restaurants, prepare to be shell-shocked-it's actually quite easy to make at home. This recipe, which includes...
Shrimp are a great low-fat protein. Instead of frying them, we bake them at high heat. The cornbread stuffing protects the meat and becomes golden and...
This easy recipe combines shrimp with tender bay scallops, calamari, crisp arugula, and radicchio. Tossed with a lemony dressing, it makes a flavorful...
Basmati rice makes an excellent complement to this spicy curry dish. You can flavor the rice by adding a bay leaf, a cinnamon stick, and cardamom pods...
I would love to say I plan every meal down to the last detail. Not! Sometimes, I have to create a "dinner on the fly," doing a quick run down of likely...
Sweet corn, spicy peppers, and succulent shrimp are the stars of this maque choux, or Cajun succotash. The "milk" scraped from the corn cobs after the...
Our fast take on an Italian-American classic. Francese is usually made with battered chicken or veal but shrimp is even more delicious in the buttery lemon...
For a streamlined, stress-free meal, slide this shrimp scampi supper into the oven. Preheating the baking sheet gives the sliced potatoes a headstart to...
A big pot of quick-cooking seafood turns a weeknight meal into a party. This recipe uses Creole seasoning and Worcestershire sauce for an easy-going New...
With just a handful of ingredients, you can whip up these crunchy shrimp as a main dish or a treat for random company that stops by. I keep shrimp in the...
Plump shrimp and delicate red snapper adorn this summery corn-and-tomato salad. Serve atop tender lettuce leaves and sprinkle with corn nuts for a satisfying...
Transform marinara into an Indian-style simmer sauce for shrimp with the help of garam masala, fresh ginger, and scallions. Serve atop steamed couscous...
Shrimp tossed in dense Greek yogurt, mustard, garlic, and ketchup makes a delicious centerpiece for a leafy salad. Making remoulade with yogurt instead...
An entree that transports you to Stockholm; shrimp with hard-boiled eggs, cornichons, fennel, soft buttery lettuce, and boiled baby potatoes. Bonus: Use...
Plump shrimp are cooked with aromatic fennel, sweet fresh corn, smoky chipotles in adobo, and a splash of cream for good measure in this flavor-packed...
Maine's sunny coast is as close as your patio when you break into foil packets of buttery shrimp, cod, potatoes, and corn. Don't forget crusty rolls to...
When you want something different for a weeknight dinner but need to use up pantry staples, try this easy shrimp linguine. Fragrant Thai curry paste and...
This Southern dish gets south-of-the-border flavor from a chipotle chile and a bit of its smoky adobo sauce. Refrigerate leftover chipotles in adobo in...
Whipping up this Thai-inspired curry is faster than waiting for takeout. The secret? Teaming quick-cooking ingredients including fresh shrimp, frozen peas,...
The sauce in this recipe is ubiquitous along Italy's western coast, where I ate it spooned over a thinly sliced fish steak titled Pesce Spada alla Griglia....