The yuzu is a relative of an Asian breed of mandarin orange, and its unique taste touts hints of lemon and grapefruit. It perks up a piece of salmon with...
For a delicious fish dish, try this roasted trout recipe from chef Frank Stitt's "Bottega Favorita" cookbook. Serve with his Butter Bean-and-Mint Pilaf...
Quick-cooking salmon fillets are flavored with honey-mustard vinaigrette and a delicious breadcrumb topping; crisp green beans complete the meal. (Reserve...
You'll love this tasty pasta dish from Carol McElheney of Elk Grove, California. This recipe calls for cauliflower, anchovies, and red-pepper flakes, a...
Cooking fresh salmon en papillote (that is, in parchment) is a messproof way to coax the most flavor from the fish without adding a lot of oil or butter...
Caesar dressing and romaine are a strong duo -- the lettuce is not overwhelmed by the dressing, which is also good over a tomato salad. All hail this classic...
These tuna burgers are best eaten very rare, so buy your sushi-quality tuna from a reputable fishmonger. The fish should be glistening and jewel-toned,...
Seared sea scallops are served over Moroccan couscous (instead of rice) infused with the flavors of its cooking liquid: sherry, chicken stock, saffron,...
A one-skillet weeknight dinner with a Cajun accent. Who can resist this riff on jambalaya with spicy pork sausage, shrimp, and the Louisiana trinity of...
While this seafood recipe calls for poaching the fish, you can also roast in an oven at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes.From the book "Mad Hungry," by...
Meat from a single lobster, decadently poached in tarragon-citrus butter, then tossed in a vibrant tangelo dressing with tarragon leaves and citrus fruit,...
Easy and elegant, this four-ingredient shrimp recipe comes together in a flash. Marinate the shrimp for 15 minutes, grill, and add to a bright summer salad...
The herbs in this recipe's tangy chimichurri sauce-mint, basil, and parsley-add piquancy to the shrimp and tie the dinner together. It doesn't require...
En papillote is a French term meaning "in paper." It's a cooking method in which food is placed inside a packet of parchment paper and cooked in its own...
Begin cooking the shrimp and sauce while the pot of water is coming to a boil so everything is ready at the same time. Be careful not to overcook the shrimp,...