Lemon, parsley, and capers are a traditional combination for fish. Here, an herb and citrus sauce adds zest to skillet-steamed fish fillets. Using lemon...
Fresh snapper is paired with a delectable sweet-sour sauce and a lively parsley salad in this speedy supper inspired by the Saudi Arabian dish samak bil...
Begin cooking the shrimp and sauce while the pot of water is coming to a boil so everything is ready at the same time. Be careful not to overcook the shrimp,...
This recipe for hard-shell blue crabs comes from Rob Cernak, owner of Obrycki's Crab House in Baltimore. It's best to keep the crabs on ice. If you are...
Legend has it that this savory recipe was a favorite of "ladies of the night" in Italy (the term puttanesca derives from puttana, the Italian word for...
In this one-pot dinner, the salmon and vegetables cook together. The dish gets its fantastic flavor from traditional Moroccan ingredients, including harissa...
Cook this grilled salmon with spicy honey-basil sauce on the backyard grill or under the broiler for a quick and easy dinner. You can buy salmon as fillets...
The star of this at-home version of the Chinese takeout favorite? An umami-packed sauce made with chicken broth, oyster sauce, rice-wine vinegar, sesame...
Many of the seafood stews of the world -- bouillabaisse, cioppino, and caldeirada de peixe (from Portugal), among others -- share a common ingredient:...
The best part about making curry in a slow cooker? No stirring! Give it a couple of hours to thicken and to let the flavors meld, then add your favorite...
Get tropical with these citrusy shrimp tacos topped with charred pineapple salsa. It's a Mexican-inspired recipe and family favorite dinner for any night...
What goes into a traditional bouillabaisse? That depends on whom you ask. But a pot typically includes at least four kinds of fish -- some firm and some...
Crispy breadcrumbs give baked fish an enticing texture. Find Portuguese rolls in the bread bins at the supermarket. If you like, save time by roasting...
Chunks of succulent lobster meld with heirloom cherry tomatoes and basil, making an otherwise familiar mix of late-summer flavors seem revelatory. A dollop...
Baking parchment, which can be purchased at kitchen-supply stores and some butcher shops, is useful to have on hand. Use any fresh herb you like with the...
We serve this Cucumber, Corn, and Crab Salad on whole-grain toast as an open-face sandwich, but it is also delicious mounded on a bed of crisp salad greens...
Enjoy a taste of summer with our classic shrimp boil complete with baby potatoes and corn on the cob. Red chile, garlic, onions, and Old Bay seasoning...
Blanched English peas are scattered around a simple roasted side of wild salmon. Beurre blanc, served on the side, is essentially a warm vinaigrette made...