Simple, fast, and delicious describes this baked cod recipe. Bake for two sets of 10 minutes each and you have the perfect ten dinner! This recipe was...
This is an easy, inexpensive, white clam sauce. Try it over any kind of pasta; lemon pepper linguine is especially tasty. Extend the sauce for larger portions...
A delicious, traditional, cream based chowder, this recipe calls for the standard chowder ingredients: onion, celery, potatoes, diced carrots, clams, and...
These are the fastest, easiest crab cakes I have ever made and some of the best I have ever eaten! Serve with coarse mustard on the plate or your favorite...
These marinated tuna steaks, served rare, taste 'fancy' but are very easy to cook. Even my husband, who doesn't like most cooked fish, enjoys these steaks....
I cannot order better white clam sauce in a restaurant. My boyfriend begs me to make this! Thanks Mom! Serve this dish with fresh garlic bread and a nice...
This scallop and spaghetti dinner with a creamy sauce is fast and easy. I cook the scallops a bit longer than many chefs, but that's gives the dish more...
Scallops have a reputation for being hard to cook correctly, but this recipe is really fast, easy, and oh so tasty. The key is high heat for the sear,...
Authentic, bold, and delicious Thai flavors make this soup irresistible! This is the best Thai coconut soup I've had. You won't be disappointed with this...
This is a great recipe for a night when you're feeling lazy - only a few ingredients, nothing to chop, easy cleanup, and very yummy! My husband announced...
This is a very simple, easy to prepare meal that you will most likely be asked to prepare again. The taste, if carefully prepared and not overcooked, is...
This is a great beer batter fish recipe, and is very easy to do. We often fish all day with friends, and then cook the fish afterwards out on deck. Yummy...
This is a quick, flavorful dish that looks gourmet. The spread works well with other mild white fish. Serve with your favorite vegetable and couscous for...
This is a quick and easy shrimp kabob recipe, perfect for beginners. Requires minimal ingredients, but is bursting with flavor. Serve over a bed of rice...
Tomatoes and shrimp cooked up with garlic and onions - this Gulf Coast tradition will have you dreaming of the bayou. This recipe can either be a main...
This is a recipe that I obtained from a very good Cajun friend who is a native of Lafayette, Louisiana. His family adopted me (friendly) many years ago...
We love boating here in the Hamptons in NY. Fluke (summer flounder) fishing is one of our favorite past times. The water is so clean you can actually watch...
This is an easy, elegant, wonderful salmon dish with a no-cook sauce. It really doesn't get much easier. I love it best on swelteringly hot summer days....
A little more elaborate then a basic marinara but still simple, quick and relatively cheap! This recipe will feed 4 people who like to eat or 5-6 light...
Tuna is available most of the year, so fresh steaks should be easy to come by. Be choosy: a reddish color is acceptable, but flesh with dark spots or streaks...
This is a spicy sauce similar to etouffee. By adding seafood, it becomes Seafood Creole. Due to the seasoning mix, it is quite spicy. This can be controlled...
This is a truly flavorful dish with a lovely plate presentation. My mom and I experimented and made this for lunch. It came out so good I promptly went...
Classic combos are classic because the flavors go well together! Dill, cucumber, and smoked fish are combined with a bit of lemon to perk things up. Small...
Tuna, macaroni, creamy soup, cheese and fried onions are all you need to make this super easy tuna casserole that I learned from my roommate. It's great...
This is a great easy prawn marinade, they are great on the BBQ, we put them out as appetizers but they can also be a main course. I've also sauteed them...
I was out at a cabin when one of my guests brought in some scallops. Since I had some mushrooms, onions, and garlic, I combined the ingredients to create...