No egg or milk in this because this is how they were made while "on the trail". I got this from a recipe book from a museum we visited recently. Made them...
Flavoured butters captured my attention during ZWT & I now even have a cookbook devoted to them. I struck gold at, found 4 new varieties...
Thin shortbread type crackers that go great with wine or cocktails. Makes a delicious appetizer topped with pear jam (Recipe #137323) and toasted slivered...
This recipe comes from the wonderful little Totally Garlic Cookbook by Helene Siegel and Karen Gillingham. My swap partner for the Fall Cookbook Swap 2008,...
These are so much better than any store-bought bread crumbs, use in any recipe calling for seasoned breadcrumbs, they make a wonderful breading for baked...
I tried this recipe at a recent party. I looked here for the exact recipe prior to asking my hostess to find out who brought the recipe so I could get...
Stuffing a turkey is a great idea and giving it a good pre-roasting rub with herbs and spices makes it even better. Here's one that I developed for my...
This is a wonderful recipe any time of the year, but especially delicious when summer produce is at it's peak. This is a incredibly delicious meal in itself....
I love this unique party mix. It was in a grocery store recipe flyer for Kraft holiday food. It was probably back in the early 80's. It makes a lot so...
These Crispy Garlic Roasted Potatoes are a deliciously seasoned side dish featuring potatoes that are crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside and come...
A flavouring for fish: Loch Etive Trout, Salmon or Sea Bass. This works best in my opinion with the large Loch Trout, rather than Rainbow Trout, but if...
This is a great savory recipe to use whatever seafood left overs that you have available. Can be used as a hearty appetizer or serve a few for a meal....
As the title indicates, this is the low fat version of Fecipe #113620 for those of us who are watching what we eat. It does lose a bit in the translation,...
One of the most important dishes for Kucios, the Lithuanian Christmas Eve supper, is "kucia", a mixture of wheat berries, ground poppy seeds and honey....
Don't let making the crepes scare you. They are so easy and can be filled with a variety of sweet or savory fillings. Feel free to add your own favorite...
Enjoy Vegetable Congee for a warm and comforting breakfast. This Vegan Congee Recipe is nourishing, delicious and easy to make. It's a perfect recipe to...
Ready, Set, Cook! Hidden Valley Contest Entry. This is a Zesty and very juicy way to make fried chicken with a Hidden Valley Original Ranch Seasoning Mix...
My boyfriend and I ate at a chinese rest. and had these shrimp that were veryyy good... so of course we couldn't really find a recipe that suited us so...
Fancy some fusion cuisine today? Try this Thai green curry asparagus pasta, an elegant yet easy meal that combines the best of Thai food and Italian cuisine,...
These delicious vegan zucchini fritters are crispy on the outside and moist on the inside with a perfect savory flavor. Quick and easy for a wonderful...
Pretty much the most amazing flavors on Earth..... I snagged the recipe ingredients to this DIVINE dipping oil from the sommelier at my new favorite restaurant...
This artichoke soup is hearty and heavenly in taste and texture. It is simple to make and full of flavor. Serve it with a main dish, or make it your light...