Winter lettuces are heartier than most everyday salad greens and have a pleasantly bitter flavor. They stand up well to crunchy walnuts and sweet-tart...
The mild Japanese peppers known as shishitos are most often vibrant green but can also be yellowish green or bright ruby red. Here, they're cooked over...
This salad pairs sweet fruit with mildly bitter endive leaves. A dressing made with creme fraiche and blue cheese gives the salad a tangy, pungent finish....
In the classic version of this Italian salad, beans are slow-cooked until uniformly softened. In this interpretation, the beans are blanched quickly, to...
This colorful salad, inspired by chef Wolfgang Puck's signature recipe, is made with seasonal fruits and vegetables and Stilton, a sharp English cheese....
Asian pears are more similar to apples than to other pears. Their crisp, juicy flesh makes a sweet and surprising addition to any salad, but pairs especially...
Roasting endive and fennel calms the vegetables' slightly bitter flavor. Along with sweet blood oranges and dried figs, they combine well with the peppery...
Section citrus (and any other juicy fruits) over a bowl or parchment paper and return the juices that collect to the recipe in some way. Here, the tangerine...
A warm eggplant salad glistening with olive oil gains color and flavor from red onions, oil-cured black olives, French feta cheese, oregano, and lemon...
Whole-wheat pasta, such as this shell-shaped chiocciole, is a high-fiber pick. Here, it's combined with other Italian ingredients (arugula and ricotta...
In a coarsely cut cabbage-and-daikon-radish slaw, many of the components -- the peanut dressingwith ginger and soy sauce, as well as the daikon -- give...
In this take on the green-bean casserole, cheese ravioli replaces the heavy mushroom soup, while sauteed shallots and crunchy toasted almonds stand in...
Delicata squash is tossed with kale, cranberry beans, and a tangy balsamic dressing in this delicious recipe. Compounds in kale prompt the liver to release...