Watercress gives a simple salad zest -- and an abundance of vitamin C.Segments of pink grapefruit supply additional vitamin C and also the cancer-fightingantioxidant...
Toss humble frozen corn with some sweet and spicy peppers and our classic Lemon Vinaigrette, and you've got corn salad-soon to be everyone's favorite side...
This salad originated in Tuscany as a tasty way to use the last scraps of stale bread. In this classic recipe, slices of bread are briefly soaked in cold...
This colorful dish is dressed with olive oil, lemon, Parmesan, and salt. Use young squash for this recipe -- larger squash have too many seeds and are...
No roasting pan necessary for these adorable cabbage cousins: Tossed with avocado and coated in a bright lemon-Dijon dressing, the tender Brussels sprout...
Carrots are the star of this cabbageless slaw, spooned into individual servings;cumin seeds, golden raisins, and cilantro are added to give it a bit of...
Quinoa Black Bean Salad is a perfect side dish for a crowd and an easy make ahead salad to enjoy all week long. Lightly balanced with flavorful cumin,...
This fresh salad contrasts the subtle flavor of butterhead lettuce with the piquant taste of radish and the sweet flavor of carrots. The season's first...
For this salad, look for Fuyu persimmons, which also may be labeled "ready to eat." They can be eaten while they are still firm, unlike the larger Hachiya...
Perfectly cooked new potatoes are drizzled with red-wine vinegar while stillwarm to form the base for this healthy salad. Salted cucumber slices, quick-pickled...
You may use any combination of tomatoes to make this salad; cut cherry tomatoes in half. Snip basil with sharp kitchen scissors rather than cutting it...
Walnut oil gives this salad a distinctly nutty flavor; it can be found in most grocery stores. Radicchio di Treviso has narrow, tapered leaves; radicchio...
This rendition of Greek salad features broiled zucchini and tomatoes, which gives the vegetables a sweeter flavor. Feta adds a welcome tang in this summery...
Smooth yogurt infused with garlic and herbs, crisp toasted grape leaves, and a chunky blend of chickpea, cucumber, hot pepper, and scallion make this salad...
Our Chicken Salad with Scallions and Yogurt is a creamy, delicious take on a classic. Use our Basic Poached Chicken shredded and mixed with low-cal salad...
The goat-cheese buttons can be made up to twelve hours ahead and chilled in the refrigerator. Cut the goat-cheese package open with kitchen scissors to...