This is a delicious wild rice recipe we tend to serve around the holiday season. It's a nice dish because after preparation you just set it in the oven...
From Mykitchencafe: "This is very healthy and after all the chopping, it comes together in a snap. Plus, I loved the versatility of serving it with romaine...
THIS IS NOT THE RECIPE FROM TODD WILBUR!!!! This recipe was found on cajun cooking and then I made changes to it myself. I'm still a southerner at heart...
This risotto is chock-full of mushroom flavor in the best possible way! Make sure to use a really good vegetable stock in this as it makes all the difference....
Containing low fat, vitamin rich additions of kale and orange fleshed squash, risotto is delicious, nutritious, economical, and versatile! See how easy...
Fragrant, flavorful saffron is the perfect ingredient for a simple, yet tasty risotto. You can prepare this recipe in no time using a pressure cooker,...
This is a wonderful, summer salad, bursting with great color and texture. I found this in Food and Wine magazine. I have also made this using "brown" basmati...
This is from a March 1994 Betty Crocker cookbooklet. My garden is doing great and I was looking for new and different ways to prepare okra. This is a nice...
Ordering pork fried rice was a favorite in my household growing up, so my mom decided to try to make it herself to save some money. The result: A recipe...
A good recipe for cleaning out the pantry or reincarnating leftovers. Basic white sauce (off of a corn starch box) spiced up with garlic and lime helps...
Green beans and tomatoes are a terrific combination which I found out when my BF and I ordered this dish at a middle eastern restaurant a few years ago....
This recipe is from It uses a slow cooker, which I think is great. There is, however, a problem with one of the ingredients. It calls for...
These are yummy, easy and really dress up a plate. They are a great side dish and go with everything. You can also use parmesan and fresh basil instead...