Being of Portuguese decent and from Rhode Island, this recipe combines both of my favorites! Make sure to serve warm, crusty bread with this to soak up...
Entered for safe-keeping in response to request. Found on Yahoo Answers. This is amped up from the simple Recipe #480167 #480167, and makes enough to marinate...
Native to Portugal's northwest region of Minho, this green soup is made with a deep green kale which is unlike that grown elsewhere. Kale or spinach found...
This is a delicious and quick shrimp saute using typical Portuguese ingredients like red wine and plenty of garlic and parsley. The saffron makes it a...
Portuguese salt cod stew (bacalhau or bacalhoada) is layered and baked in the oven. Made with salt cod, potatoes, hard boiled eggs, onions, olives, and...
Mozambique Prawns (traditional dish from Mozambique, one of Portugal's former colonies) by chef Manuel Azevedo of LaSalette Restaurant, Sonoma, CA. Posted...
Found at Leite's Culinaria when I went in search of Spanish olive recipes. David Leite is the author of The New Portuguese Table Cookbook & says he serves...
From Portuguese Homestyle Cooking by Ana Patuleia Ortins. Submitted for Zaar World Tour 5. Not a quick and easy recipe, but for a special event, I think...
This is based on a recipe from Bon Appetit's May 1984 issue, from a menu titled: Hearty Dinner from Portugal" in the Cooking for Two Elegant and Easy section....
This is a popular condiment in Portugal to accompany meat, poultry, fish, specifically grilled. It keeps for about 2 weeks in an airtight jar in the fridge....
This is a Portuguese classic dish that originates from the island of Madeira. It involves simple ingredients but delivers amazing flavors. This is a regular...
A traditional Portuguese dish. Serve this with thinly cut french fries, rice and a salad of mixed greens with a vinaigrette dressing. I love eating this...
A blender cake. This is an easy cake to make. Batter will be thick in blender. Like a pound cake in texture, little drier. Found this thanks to facebook...
This is a family recipe from my VaVoa (Portuguese grandmother). Our family always decorated them with the little silver BB candies. Save your egg yolks...
This recipe comes from the Portuguese islands of Madeira and the Azores (Chicharros de Agraco com Molho de Acafrao). Fresh sardines and mackerel are favorites...
A Portugese influenced dish, traditionally made with African Birds Eye Chili (Piri Piri) but this version is spiced using red chilli flakes and fresh green...
This recipe comes from the book of Traditional Portugese Cooking, which I bought in Lisbon. I have not tried this recipe but am posting it by request....
This is a simple burger with a Portuguese flair--our take on a traditional patty melt. My husband is Portuguese and almost everything we cook has some...
I love roasted peppers and with a combination of green, yellow and red peppers this sounds delicious and colorful. It is from "Portuguese Cooking" by Carol...
A velvety and sinful pudding, full of pleasure! Don't let yourself be discouraged from using bacon on this pudding -- the abbot knew what he was doing!...
An easy, tasty pork and clams recipe made by my Portuguese in-laws at every chance they get! Add a little bit of chili powder or crushed chilies for extra...
I got this recipe many years ago from a local restaurant in New Jersey. The restaurant is still there, so I know this is a good one ! When I tell people...
Family Recipe, a staple once a year when fresh tuna was available in my area. It's pretty spicy, so it is generally served with boiled potatoes which are...
This is an old Portuguese recipe that my Vovo taught me how to make. It is great for the typical huge Portuguese family party or reunion, it is a very...