There are several recipes on 'Zaar that feature the combination of sweet peaches with pork chops, roasts or tenderloins. This one is unique not only in...
This is a party in your mouth. Creamy, smoky, spicy, sweet, this recipe makes for a dramatic appetizer that will wow at your Thanksgiving cocktail hour!...
These are awesome. I tried these one night at dinner with 6 people, and all agreed that they could eat these beans as the whole meal and forget everything...
Peanut butter and bacon combine to make these delicious treats! My husband thought the recipe sounded like a waste of perfectly good bacon but loved the...
My mother-in-law made a large batch of sauerkraut one summer and to use it up, we invented this (both out of hunger and necessity to use up all that sauerkraut!)...
I grew up eating these but did not like the ones I could buy at the store.I finally found a recipe in an old James Beard cookbook at my local library so...
You can use any kind of potatoes for this but Yukon Gold are simply the best! All ingredients can be adjusted to taste. If you do not like your garlic...
I tried to find a recipe that was not too complicated, This was the result. I started with a very basic recipe from "Cooking with Chef Doug", and added...
This is a great pork recipe. Mustard is a classic with pork, but when you add the extra zing of horseradish and cayenne, and then smooth it out with a...
A breakfast quesadilla recipe that's cheap, quick, and easy to make and everyone is sure to love. It's great to stay at home and eat with your family or...
Stand up straight! Suck in that gut! Straighten that chin! AAAH! The good ol' days! Come to think of it, that S.O.S. you use to eat back in the service...
I first cooked these in the early 90's when I belonged to a cooking school and they're great! Make sure your guests are hungry: this is a very hearty entree....
This is delicious chargrilled lemongrass pork like you get in Vietnamese restaurants. It goes great in noodle dishes, rice dishes, or served on its own!...
Shared by long-time friends of ours. An easy, spicy, sweet concoction of kielbasa sausage, peppers, and a tangy sweet and sour glaze, wrapped in foil and...
Open faced burgers with two kinds of meat and cheese in a tomato sauce. Wonderful recipe for birthday parties, football parties. You can also store meat...
I got this recipe from a long time good friend of mine. This is a favorite in both our homes! Definitely filling. Of course, you can add more seasoning...
These easy-to-fix pork chops are deliciously tender with wonderful flavor. A perfect meal for those busy afternoons when you want a quick meal that tastes...
This is a bit spicy so you may want to decrease the pepper flakes and add more at the end for taste. I made this for a pot-luck Chinese dinner that is...
This is a great soup, so flavorful and so easy. Even though the avocado, lime juice and cilantro are "garnishes," the flavor of the lime and the cilantro...
Another great recipe from Fine Cooking, love that magazine and website! Fairly quick for a somewhat fancy dinner, although I make for weeknights. So far...
The Neeley's have a cooking show on Food Network, and I love their recipes. If you love ribs like I do, you have got to TRY THESE!!! These ribs have some...