I supposed you could use either beef or pork for these, depending on your preference. This is from "A Hundred Years of Island Cooking", an old cookbook...
I found this recipe in a weekly magazine that comes with our newspaper. I am not a big meat eater, but I figured that matching the pork with the cherries...
Bacon Cheddar ranch dip is an irresistible starter that's full of bacon, cheese, green onions, cream cheese, and ranch dressing mix! You can serve it cold...
Chitterlings or pork intestines are a favorite among Southern families. Traditionally, they are prepared during the holiday season, but deep freezing makes...
German Jaeger Schnitzel is traditionally made from pork, accompanied by a creamy mushroom Jaeger sauce. If liked you can make it out of turkey or chicken...
Sweet and sour are two of the five flavors of classical Chinese cooking (along with salty, pungent, and bitter). I like this version of the crispy pork...
Easy to do, tasty combination of flavors. I was just playing around, had a pork steak and threw this together. Hope you try it and like it. Preparation...
A very nice combination of flavors for a quintessential Asian tasting. Most people know Hoisin is a thick, sweet, mildly spicy sauce widely used in Chinese...
An easy, no fuss crock pot dinner. I serve this aside of mashed potatoes or Recipe #64252 and applesauce. Recipe is courtesy of "Fix It and Forget About...
This dish is very simple and the colors of the veggies make a very pretty presentation. Absolutely love the veggie "sauce". Keep meaning to try this with...
Hearty New Mexico inspired dish that can be made vegetarian simply by omitting the pork. This can be labor intensive and will test your multi-tasking skills...
We had this tonight and it was quit good. A little different. The sauce is really rich and creamy and I loved it, but it doesn't go well on mashed potatoes....
A complete one pot meal that you will love if you are a meat and potato fan. Cooking time does not include the heating and cooling of the instant pot;...
Inspired by the luaus in Hawaii, I set out to make an easy, tasty slow-cooker version of kalua pork. The meat is fall-off-the-bone yummy. This recipe is...
If you can't decide whether to make a BLT sandwich or a pasta, now you can do both. The combination of bacon, lettuce, and tomato has a proven track record...
This recipe is from my husband's mother and is a family tradition and loved by all. It is surprisingly easy. There is never enough so I usually double...
This recipe is inspired by both Jaime Oliver's Creamy Shells and Peas recipe and a local restaurant's version. However, I've never been tempted to make...
This recipe sounds like a lot of work, but it just the old fashion method of braising. The meat is so tender, and the onions, are sweet in taste. A really...
Letting the cooked roast rest for a full hour will yield noticeably more tender meat. This roast has a crispy skin that should be served along with the...
Bread pudding has a sweet image, but you gotta try the savory version! It's amazing. Savory bread puddings are so easy to make and they're inexpensive,...
I used to work where we had a lot of potluck lunches. I just brought the ingredients, already prepared, a rice cooker, and an electric frying pan. I would...
This is a longtime favorite of my family -- even the most selective 'diners' like it! Cooked ham is basted with a warm, zesty sauce while grilling. Smoked...
After trying a fabulous dish of melted cheese and chorizo at La Fogata in San Antonio Tx, I searched until I found a similar recipe. This one is very close...
I love pork chops. I love fruit with pork chops. The most common fruit accompaniment for pork is apple, but I wanted to try something a little different....