This recipe can also be made in a crock pot! The cooking time is only estimated, it will vary slightly depending on the size and cut of your pork roast,...
A delicious pork chop dish sweetened with apples and cinnamon. It has a bed of caramelized onions and it is delicious. I got this from some recipe cards...
This recipe is based on I realized when I was trying to explain to folks what I had changed...
City Chicken the way my Polish Grandma made it. It was the very, very best. It's one that was never written down. You just watched and learned. Very comforting...
This is a quick yet tasty dish. The acidity of the balsamic vinegar is balanced by the sweetness of the shallots. I suppose the chops could be broiled...
This is a quick, easy and delicious meal to throw together for your family. This has been my family's favorite since my kids were little. It changes up...
Throw it in the crock pot on New Year's Eve before you go out, and dinner the next day will be ready; all you have to do is fix the mashed potatoes. Slow,...
A friend gave me this recipe and said it was from Martha Stewart. The original recipe calls for chicken, but I use it for pork tenderloin. I am sure it...
This is great for those hurried evenings when you don't have much time for preparations! Only three ingredients! So quick and easy to prepare, and tastes...
You may reduce or increase the amount of hot dogs if desired, I also like to add in some cayenne pepper, 3/4 cup of brown sugar will produce a sweet taste...
This pulled pork dish is a blend of a couple other recipes, made in the Instant Pot®. We had this on the Fourth of July, and it was a huge hit! Serve...
Great ribs recipe. The brine keeps the meat moist and juicy. The sauce is quite tasty as well! Recipe adapted from "Simply Perfect Grilling". Make the...
This is such a wonderfully delicious and EASY Marinade and Go--To Meal. Great for Gatherings or just a nice relaxing comfort meal with Family. FYI on the...
This soup is a tradition in my family. We usually eat this wonderful spicy stew every Sunday afternoon after church. Warning, this soup can be really spicy,...
You may use fresh sliced mushrooms that have been sauteed in butter in place of canned. If you are planning to serve more than 8 people then prepare two...
None of the pork rub recipes I tried gave me the flavor I was going for. I decided to develop my own, and after countless tries, I finally fine-tuned my...
This recipe came out of a need to serve leftover pork tenderloin in a completely different way - my kids hate to eat leftovers of the "exact" same thing...
Straight from Tyler Florence, here is the best pork tenderloin recipe we've ever had! Unlike so many other pork tenderloin recipes, this one only takes...
In Vietnam, little pork patties like this are often grilled over charcoal right on the street and diners sit and eat on (now iconic) little plastic stools....
As I suspected, the spicy, aromatic marinade worked wonderfully with the lean mild pork. As long as you heed my warnings not to overcook the meat, you...
A great recipe to serve guests. They will think they are eating in a fine restaurant in France. Impressive dish but quick and easy to prepare. From Bon...
Growing up on a lake in the Sheboygan area, this was a standard way that the German folks would grill their brats. We always served them on the old-fashioned...
A spicy blend of hot sauce, chili powder, paprika, adobo seasoning, and cayenne pepper gives this slow cooker pulled pork a delicious kick. Barbeque sauce...
This recipe is from "Our School Cookbook", a cookbook compiled by elementary students in a school from Truro, Nova Scotia. I like recipes that are easy,...
This is the way my mom taught me to make sweet and sour pork Taiwan style, it's the real Asian thing (not the 'Americanized' version). At home we call...