This is the very best recipe for ribs that I have ever had. The sauce is a very wonderful compliment to these tender, fall off the bone ribs. Everyone...
I've been making this simple dish for years. Plenty of gravy for mashed potatoes or rice. Sometimes I bake this covered in the oven at 350F - they come...
I found this recipe on Yahoo! Health, provided by FoodFit. Their recipes say they are lower in fat, but full of flavor. I made this tonight and it was...
The taste of this jam is truly outrageous. Each bite contains layer upon layer of flavor, from the caramelized onions and garlic; to the sweet bourbon...
Garlic-studded, herb-rubbed pork shoulder is such a great cut of meat. I cooked it in a pan without liquid, without covering it, and without cooking it...
Cubed pork braised in chicken broth, sherry, soy sauce and water. Add ginger and other seasonings, and you have the delicate and delicious dish called...
Potatoes, breakfast sausage, and cheese combine to make a hearty soup. I use reduced fat sausage so you don't have to drain off the fat. Great with cornbread...
This is a variation of the 'Tangy Chicken' recipe here on It's fast and easy. It makes the chops very juicy and tender. You may be put...
I was watching "Everyday Food" on PBS one day and they were making these pot stickers. They looked so easy and delicious that I had to try making them...
I'm posting this as a reply to someone who was looking for tender pork chops without using a crock pot. I've had this recipe for so long, probably even...
This is a recipe that I use to deal with leftover pork in roast, chop or pork loin form. It is very flexible in helping to use up other vegetables as well....
This takes only 10 minutes to prepare for the oven. It looks awesome when removed from the oven. The meat is very tender and the sauce provides a hint...
This casserole is wonderful for a backyard picnic. It uses all fresh ingredients and simply contains corn, tomatoes and bacon. A great complement for a...
Easy and elegant enough for the in-laws. Be sure, when filling the chops, not to stuff it too full, or the meat will be done cooking before the cheese...
Generously season ribs with this flavorful dry rub and then slow cook on the grill for delicious, fall-off-the-bone ribs that won't heat up your house...
This was created after lots of thinking on how to tease the taste buds between hot and sweet. These, paired with grilled asparagus and a good red wine,...
This makes a lot of sauce so you might want to cut the amounts in half. You can also use pork medallions flattened to about 1/4-inch thickness with a meat...
Cuban pulled pork-or lechon asado-meets traditional Cuban ham and Swiss sandwiches in these zesty, melty paninis. The pork absorbs loads of flavor while...
These spring rolls, served with dipping sauce are a favorite at our house. While they are a little tedious to make, the recipe makes about 20, so they...
This is my favorite casserole! It features pork sausage, rice, chicken noodle soup mix and various vegetables. I grew up loving this and now I make it...
Delicious sweet and tangy sauce served over smoky bacon and juicy pork. Sound difficult? Its easier than you think! I serve this with caramelized onions....
This is a recipe that I have been making for many decades, and everyone who has eaten my lasagna says that it is the BEST LASAGNA EVER!!! Try this recipe...
I've used this recipe for's my family's favorite pork chop recipe. The hint of mustard, worcestershire, and onion are a nice touch and the...
This recipe was from a 1951 newspaper. It was a recipe from the dining car service of the Canadian railways. It has browned flour in it like Cajun roux...
This pork shoulder recipe combines pork shoulder with apple cider in a slow cooker, where it is cooked for several hours until tender. Reduce the cooking...
This is a updated version of my mom's pork chops with cream of mushroom soup. I don't care for the canned soup due to the high sodium. I use cream, mushrooms,...
These sound so good I am posting the recipe before trying it. I will add comments after I make them. The Recipe is from American Cooking Club magazineJune/July...