Spam Musubi is a popular snack in Hawaii. It is a type of sushi that has marinated cooked spam in sushi. I got this recipe from a local Hawaiian friend...
These Italian-style pork chops include lots of onion, garlic, tomatoes, and savory herbs. This quick and easy recipe is a great topping for pasta or smashed...
Daisy Martinez recipe. Guajillo chiles (sometimes spelled "huajillo") can be found at either regular grocery stores in the Mexican food section or Mexican...
This is a fairly common autumn dish in Indiana. It always reminds me of local harvest festivals. Crimson and gold leaves under foot, hay rides, the crisp...
This recipe I made when I wanted to make pulled pork. And it is amazing well I think :) My roasting pan does not have a rack so I use an upside down muffin...
30 years ago my ex invited a couple over for a BBQ. It was actually to teach me to make authentic tamales. t was one of the good things he had done--ok,probably...
We love onions and caramelized is one of our favorite ways to have onions with meat! This recipe was out of Taste of Home magazine and instantly became...
This is a delicious pork chop recipe that cuts out all the grease from frying them in a pan. Best of all, you can use any type of chop (even ones with...
These are the tender, slow cooked, melt in your mouth pork chops that your southern grandma used to make. I cut the fattening factor by using "Enova" oil....
I eat this dish every New Year's day, it's supposed to bring you luck, and so far my life's been pretty good. It's also good anytime you need a hearty...
My family eats this as a main dish, usually with cornbread, but it's a wonderful side dish for picnics, potlucks, and camping. We like it sweet, so we...
All the ingredients can be adjusted to suit taste. If you like spicy then add in about 1 teaspoon or more dried red pepper flakes. Can use either red or...
Plan ahead the pork needs to marinade for a minimum of 12 hours. Use this marinade for 2 pork tenderloins or 6-8 pork chops. You can reduce the bourbon...
This is he most moist pork chops you will ever have! Even my three boys ages 7 and under eat them all up. It is so easy and actually so healthy. Great...
These aren't meant to replace, or even compete with, a traditionally barbecued version. This is simply a fast and tasty alternative method for having a...
Recipe comes from Food & Wine. This is a different take on the traditional pork chop. Its simple and quick to make. A nice sauce is made to cover the pork...
This is a wonderful comfort food and has become one of my family's favorite pork chop recipes --- you may season the breadcrumbs anyway desired adding...
After reading a number of different crock pot ribs, I decided to post my version. The combination of soy and worcestershire sauce give the ribs a little...
The Potato Gratin with Cream and Fresh Herbs is a nice accompaniment to this main course. And for the wine, consider serving a flavorful red, such as a...
This is an easy and delicious pork chop recipe you can throw into a slow cooker and forget about until it is ready. Delicious with a side of veggies and...
This recipe is perfect for those blustery days when you don't really have time to cook, but want a hearty meal for the family. It's a very basic, nutrient-packed...
This was given to my mom by her best friend who is a southern girl at heart. It is a sweet and savory flavor that you never forget. Try it with a grilled...
This recipe includes lots of our favorite things and can easily be adapted to use what you have on hand. A crusty bread for dipping in the sauce would...
A sensational combination of orange marmalade, fresh sage, soy sauce and garlic is the basis for a quick and easy marinade for grilled pork chops. Prep...