The Coke tenderizes the meat. Once mixture has simmered down it will make a barbecue like sauce that is sensational and the pork chops will be so tender,...
A spicy, tasty and extremely moist boneless pork roast. This recipe uses a dry rub combination that you rub on the meat before you roast it. The rub includes...
Lip-smackin'-good. Crock-pot-easy. Diner-pleaser. Nice presentation. Is there anything better? NAAAAAAAH. Caroline's note: Lots of people don't use Bay...
This is a quick, easy, and healthy way to prepare pork loin with no added fat. The pork turns out very moist and the sauce is very flavorful. Serve with...
This is the best pork recipe I've ever made. This pork is seasoned with a spiced apple butter, and roasted in apple juice. If food can be warm and cozy,...
The key with tenderloin is making sure it's not overcooked, which is when it gets dry. The riper the peaches, the more delicious and nuanced the sauce...
This combines Recipe #187790 and Recipe #29709, with tweaks (like doubling the bacon). Made for July 4th party. It tastes so good, with a big wallop of...
I'm gonna show you my favorite technique for stuffing pork chops, as well as one of my favorite stuffings for pork. Above and beyond producing something...
Simple to prepare yet elegant and full of flavor. The sauce is sweet and tangy and the pork is tender and juicy. You can substitute the red currant jelly...
My Grandmother 'Nanaw' Rowan made the most delicious meatloaf in the state. When she passed away, she didn't leave me her recipe, but she left me the desire...
A delicious way to eat beef or pork liver, along with bacon and onions. Cook more bacon, liver, and onions if serving to more people. If you do, just be...
I love choizo, but who knows what is in the commercially prepared kind? This homemade Mexican chorizo is delicious with scrambled eggs served in a flour...
This is a common recipe brought down through my family. My grandmother made it, my mother still makes it, and we all love it to pieces! It is great left...
You will not be disappointed with this wonderful pork chop. It is tender, moist, and full of fresh flavors. I serve with garlic mashed potatoes and asparagus....
In this recipe, beets are cooked in two separate batches: One batch is used to make "beet water," a kind of rich beet stock, and the other is cooked and...
I don't know how this recipe came to be, but we know my great-grandmother made this. It is made with diced ham in the oven and covered in bread crumbs....
I love to eat ham and sweet potatoes all year round. I came up with this easy ham and sweet potato dish that also makes clean up a breeze. Serve with a...
A delicious use of some of my favorite things - bacon and salmon! The salmon stays really moist from the bacon, and the skin helps protect the bottom from...
This creamy pork stew is one of my favorite cold weather dishes of all time. You can add squash, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, mushrooms, root vegetables--it's...
This is such a delicious way to fix mashed potatoes. If you are looking for something bursting with flavor and are looking for a different way to make...
Adapted from Chez Panisse Café Cookbook, by Alice Waters and found at This is fantastic and really makes meat juicy and subtly-spiced/flavoured....
I had a Boston Butt Pork Roast and I didn't want to use a crockpot and don't have a grill, so I came up with this method.And thought it came out pretty...
Serve Pork & Sauerkraut on January 1st! According to Pennsylvania Dutch tradition, pork and sauerkraut will bring good luck to you and your family in the...
Made with some soy sauce, garlic, ginger and of course applesauce! I found this recipe, hand-written, in my recipe collection. I have no idea where I got...
An excellent dish to serve for New Year's, when you're tired of traditional American food after all that turkey. This is my most requested recipe. It's...
Pueblo tradition calls for the addition of corn or potatoes to this dish. It makes a wonderful filling for enchiladas. Serve with a big green salad and...