There's just something about the caramelized crust and meaty interior of scallops that makes them the perfect protein. They also have a naturally delicate...
Excellent recipe! Found it in my Joy of Cooking cookbook years ago. I've made a couple of adjustments to suit my family's tastes. Original recipe can be...
I don't remember where I learned to make this, but I'm sure I must have changed the recipe somewhat. This is my favorite way to fix salmon. The salmon...
Created in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the 1950s, this is a longstanding classic. While it can be made with a variety of rums-dark, aged, spiced, white,...
This sounds weird, it tastes great. My mom made this every thanksgiving and Christmas. I lost the recipe, then found something similar and added the ingredients...
Plan ahead the shaped uncooked burger patties need to marinate for a minimum of 6 hours to blend the flavors before grilling. If possible use fresh pineapple...
This is fantastic served as an accompaniment to ham, and very easy to make too! This may also prepared a day ahead, refrigerated, and baked the following...
"I literally didn't know how to boil an egg until I was in my 20's - when I tried to impress a guy by making dinner for him," writes Sally Siegel of Pittsburgh,...
In Montana this is quite a common fruit salad at potlucks. I used red durham wheat. You can use any raw wheat that has been washed. Go to a bulk foods...
Although this crock pot dish is made with canned fruit, fresh fruit could be substituted for most of it! The recipe comes from a Taste of Home booklet,...
Sweet and sour are two of the five flavors of classical Chinese cooking (along with salty, pungent, and bitter). I like this version of the crispy pork...
This is a popular topping for hamloaf / ham balls! WOW! Try my various hamloaf & glaze recipes till you find your 'fit!' This is almost ALWAYS served at...
From; posted for ZWT 5. "With a flavor that's somewhere between Asian and Caribbean, these skewers are hard to label but easy to make and tasty...
When it comes to dessert, I am a chocoholic first and fruit-pie lover second; but after several test batches to perfect this cake, I am completely won...
Chef Kris Wessel of Florida Cookery in Miami Beach, Florida, shared this recipe as part of a Palm Tree Christmas menu he created exclusively for Epicurious....
I needed some pineapple preserves to make Ang1102's Recipe #168803. No problem I thought, I'll just pick some up at my corner store. No luck, They didn't...
I love to serve this unusual and sweet coleslaw in fresh pineapple halves for individual servings at a dinner party. It's also a hit at a large gathering...
This dish is great as an appetizer, or add some red and green peppers and serve over rice and you have a meal. This recipe has been used in my family since...
Coming soon to a kitchen near you: an escapist fantasy set under the sun, starring spicy-fruity glazed chicken. (Spoiler alert: Your opinion of pineapple...