A delicious, creamy ground beef dinner with noodles and corn topped with cheese. This is one of those recipes that if you don't try it, you won't know...
My friend Anna makes the most amazing and easy meatballs with gravy! Prepared in a slow cooker, this recipe couldn't be any easier! Serve over buttery...
After searching for years, I have found the ultimate mac-and-cheese recipe. Use low fat or fat free ingredients if desired. Tastes great either way. For...
These showstoppers are great at parties. For added effect, mix in coconut (tapeworms) ramen noodles (roundworms), or peanuts. You can also coat the scoop...
This delicious casserole is for leftover leftovers. I don't know about you, but after a few days of eating Thanksgiving leftovers, no matter how tasty...
This delicious casserole is for leftover leftovers. I don't know about you, but after a few days of eating Thanksgiving leftovers, no matter how tasty...
If you first cook the pasta, and then use the same pot to cook the beans, you will only need one pot and a casserole dish to make this meal. To save time,...
Ideal for college dorm rooms, this recipe will satisfy a serious Italian food craving and takes just minutes to prepare using only a microwave. Can also...
Being a farm wife, I'm always looking for recipes that can go out to the field. I got this one a number of years ago from my friend who is also a farm...
This delicious casserole is for leftover leftovers. I don't know about you, but after a few days of eating Thanksgiving leftovers, no matter how tasty...
Ramen noodles tossed with a sauce of turkey sausage, peas and sour cream.This is a great and inexpensive recipe that really perks up the taste of good...
I first had this over 13 years ago when my son was born. My brother, who is great cook, gave me this recipe. It is an easy dish that can be made ahead...
Using broad egg noodles and Swiss cheese, this layered pasta dish is a delicious change from the normal pasta dish! It's a family favorite! Can be made...
This delicious blend of many robust ingredients will explode with flavor in your mouth. This was one of those nights where we sort of just opened the fridge...
This recipe is easy to make and makes an elegant-looking meal that anyone would be proud to offer to guests. This is one of the favorite dinners for my...