This appetizer takes minimal prep time thanks to ingredients like rotisserie chicken, salsa, and Tater Tots®! Make it as mild as you want for the kids,...
This is a very simple and surprisingly flavorful recipe for smoked nachos prepared on a charcoal grill. The chips, cheese, and beans really soak up the...
The best nachos ever! Great way to get people to eat their veggies. This recipe calls for a lot of ingredients, but it's worth it. Even better with homemade...
A great way to use up some of that leftover turkey from a holiday meal. You can also use cooked and cubed chicken breast if you prefer. It can be used...
I was watching King of the Hill, Peggy mentions making Frito® pie. My husband looks at me and says see if you can find something like that on the internet....
A taco with a twist. You will love these nachos with shrimp and crab. The seafood isn't too overpowering, and it is just the right touch to a Mexican night...
I have used this recipe for Italian Nachos and it is always a favorite as a appetizer before any Italian dinner or cocktail party. I am also submitting...
This delicious and easy to prepare recipe is sure to be a big hit! Hearty enough for a meal. The key is the meat filling -- it also makes a great filling...
We were supposed to go a local pub that serves their homemade house chips loaded with the works - melted cheese, sour cream, bacon, etc. Everything you...
Very easy to make and very tasty! I tried these at an Italian festival; they were very good, but they needed a little something more to them. So I added...
A crispy, spicy, and sweet dish that's light and fresh. With Asian-inspired flavors and a winning texture, this shrimp recipe is as unique as it is fun....
These nachos can be served as a meal, but all the good stuff makes for a great appetizer or snack while watching a game or a quick lunch for your family...
Each chip from this massive pile of nachos is about the size of a small piece of pizza. As they should be for the ultimate nacho lover, right?! This recipe...
This recipe combines spicy, sweet, and salty with a definite Caribbean flair. The multigrain chips make it a heartier and healthier dish, and add a wonderful...
I wanted to make chicken enchiladas but couldn't find a recipe that I had the ingredients for. So, I made this up using what I had on hand. It is mildly...
Marinated and grilled chicken breast and a blend of Mexican cheese nachos topped with lime crema and cilantro. I created this dish to pair with Vermentino...
This is one of my all-time favorite party foods. For big games or special events, these nachos should get serious consideration for formulating your snack...