I got this recipe from summer camp, and when I made them at home, my whole family was impressed. Layers of tortilla chips and salsa with the works on the...
This delicious and easy to prepare recipe is sure to be a big hit! Hearty enough for a meal. The key is the meat filling -- it also makes a great filling...
This is my most requested recipe to bring to get-togethers and there's always someone who hasn't had them who asks for the recipe. You can make it days...
This is one of my all-time favorite party foods. For big games or special events, these nachos should get serious consideration for formulating your snack...
My husband wanted to find chips tasting like those made at restaurants. Baking them is the key. These nachos are his claim to fame as a cook and they're...
These nachos can be served as a meal, but all the good stuff makes for a great appetizer or snack while watching a game or a quick lunch for your family...
This plate of nachos is very satisfying and craveable. I can eat them once a week. You can add whatever toppings you like, but this is our favorite. Also...
These hearty, dude-pleasing nachos are bursting with flavor. The combination of the crunchy tortilla chips with the spicy buffalo chicken and the cool...
It is exactly what it sounds like - all the toppings you'd get on a plate of nachos on a thin pizza crust! Add your own favorites to customize the recipe,...
Chips and cheese. Sounds pretty basic, right? Not when Chef Lisa gets her mitts on this classic combo. This easy recipe for BBQ chicken nachos, piled high...
Crispy tater tots piled high with buffalo chicken and cheese for a 'nacho' experience your friends and family will love. Substitute blue cheese dressing...
A mashup of the BBQ pork nachos that are on so many menus in Memphis and the South-of-the-Border influenced Totchos that have blown up as the must-try...
A fast and easy way to prepare a pretty classic nacho treat, with ground, browned turkey meat. The kids and my husband love it. Serve with sour cream,...
What better way to 'fiesta' than with this beautiful plate of alternative nachos? This will make a very delicious change of pace to the traditional version....
This is a fun version of nachos, using waffle fries instead of tortilla chips. Every year at our annual St. Patrick's Day party, this is the first appetizer...
I wanted to make chicken enchiladas but couldn't find a recipe that I had the ingredients for. So, I made this up using what I had on hand. It is mildly...
Step up your nacho game this game day by turning leftover pulled pork into a sheet-full of goodness no one will be able to resist. Garnish with pickled...
Last week at work there was some chatter about how it had been a year since Taco Bell® took the Triple Layer Nachos off their menu and how they were missed....
We made these up when we were in the mood for nachos but didn't have any ground beef defrosted. These steak nachos turned out so much better than their...
Marinated and grilled chicken breast and a blend of Mexican cheese nachos topped with lime crema and cilantro. I created this dish to pair with Vermentino...
This recipe combines spicy, sweet, and salty with a definite Caribbean flair. The multigrain chips make it a heartier and healthier dish, and add a wonderful...
An easy and tasty nacho dip or topping, satisfying to all! Just toss all of the ingredients into your slow cooker (a small one is fine), and heat for a...
The nacho version of my all-time favorite sandwich. This is a great appetizer idea for a St. Patrick's Day party, or a delicious lunch or dinner entree...
Not the healthiest snack, but one of my favorites for Sunday football! Feel free to tweak ingredients to suit your personal taste. Serve with your favorite...
Nachos and Reuben sandwiches are two of my favorite things so I came up with this to use up the leftover corned beef. This can easily be doubled and would...
As Napoleon Dynamite instructed us: It's time to go find our own tots! Free yourself from the tried-and-true tortilla chip and wow everyone at your next...
This is a recipe from my early days of cooking. The first time I made these was for the Grey Cup (Canadian Football Championship) of 1992 and they've been...
I came up with my own version of Italian Nachos after trying some at a festival. They are a nice change of pace from your typical nachos. These disappear...