Delicious and quick, with ingredients usually on hand. Very savory, and a good way to extend a recipe for a family. My husband absolutely loved this! He...
My family loves these low-carb and keto-friendly baked chicken wings! They're a staple around our house during football season. I love to serve them with...
Authentic Mexican Chicken Fajitas-Fajitas De Pollo is a popular dish served in Mexico for casual entertaining. One of the easiest dishes in Mexican cuisine,...
Whether you use this chicken as a main or in a quesadilla, you will love the flavor that the cherry wood imparts. This method is for a charcoal grill....
Beef and sausage star in these mini pizzas on cocktail rye bread. These can be placed on a cookie sheet, frozen then placed in freezer bags until ready...
This is a great appetizer. My grandma used to make these for holiday gatherings. So easy to make! Keep meatballs and polish sausage in crock pot for serving;...
Minced mushrooms give these keto turkey meatballs great texture and juiciness, and the seasonings add a real flavor boost. Try them as an appetizer, with...
Dolma is my all-time favorite Mediterranean dish! This recipe comes from my mother's-mother's family and has never been written down until a year ago....
The perfect combination of spicy and sweet in every bite, with the ease of using an air fryer. Add more sriracha to suit your tastes. I like to serve the...
When meatballs are gone, you can do shots of the sauce... Gotta admit, I usually cheat on the meatballs and buy 'em pre-cooked, or ya can make yer own....
This is a dish that my wife made for us on Valentine's Day one year. It was the best lamb that I've ever tasted. I added the red wine reduction for even...
Old Bay® is a seasoning most people think is for seafood. But it's also a great seasoning for poultry. These wings are crispy and lower in calories because...
These bacon-wrapped bundles of deliciousness are served with a sweet teriyaki sauce, and perfect for your game day tailgate or homegate celebrations. Serve...
A top of the line beef jerky that can be done in just 12 hours. Sliced rump roast marinated in soy sauce, brown sugar, and liquid smoke then dried in a...
Buffalo wings made simple in an Instant Pot® and without the fry. The Instant Pot® cooks these to perfection. They hold together for easy handling but...
Oktoberfest is a wonderful time of year, and I made these appetizers to highlight what reminds me of Königsberger Klopse, dressed up with Black Forest...
Whether it's a formal party at your home or a casual get-together with friends, these air-fried mini peppers stuffed with cheese and sausage are a great...
These crispy croquettes are simple to make, with ingredients you'll likely have on hand. The saltiness of the ham with a slight tangy touch from yellow...
If you love Buffalo chicken, then you'll want to dehydrate some jerky to take with you on your next hiking adventure or camping trip. Store in an airtight...
When we are in Italy, one of our favorite things to do is to stop in at one of the local pizza places for a quick snack - a nice big square of 'Pizza Bianca...
This is the best/easiest way to cook wings, in my opinion! They are not fried, not greasy, are lower in calories, and oh so yummy! A little spicy, but...
A great appetizer that is loved by all, especially men. Serve these meaty, cheesy delights on game day! For later use, place the topped bread on a cookie...
This is quick and easy to prepare, don't let the sauerkraut scare you. 'Try it, you'll like it!' I My sister-in-law makes this at all of our family gatherings,...
These are the best Moroccan meatballs you will make at home Easy, bite-size skillet meatballs, grilled with just a little bit of extra virgin olive oil....
Perfectly crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside--pork meatballs made in the air fryer. The best part is that you can make them ahead of...
These are awesome little hamburgers that taste just like the real thing. Everyone who's had them just loves them and asks for the recipe. My family loves...