Consider this recipe a blueprint for other stir-fries, swapping in your favorite dark, leafy greens (bok choy, Swiss chard) or quick-cooking cut of leanbeef...
Sherry vinegar, paprika, green olives,and jarred piquillo peppers provide Spanish flair for this deeply flavorful braise. It starts with a whole chicken...
Marinating chicken in Greek yogurt keeps the roasted meat nice and moist, while basil pesto gives it tons of fresh flavor. You can use store-bought pesto...
Lean and quick-cooking, pork tenderloin also scores points for versatility. Here, sauteed pork rounds are accompanied by a sweet-and-tart slaw of apple,...
This Poached Chicken, Pear, and Walnut Salad is a rendition of a Waldorf salad. Its lighter and crisper, featuring bitter escarole leaves, creamy shaved...
This Tuscan-Style Turkey Alla Porchetta is the perfect Thanksgiving dish. If you can, order your turkey from a local farm, and ask for it to be boned with...
Always save poultry pan drippings. Just a small amount of the rich "jus" lends a complex, savory flavor to nearly any dish (pasta, soup, or whole grains)....
Traditionally, an escabeche preparation involves marinating a protein overnight. This quicker version is just as flavor-packed as the classic kind without...
A mixture of hot sauce, smoked paprika, and roasted red-pepper brine turns up the volume on chicken legs. They're roasted on a bed of chickpeas and peppers...
Every Italian-American grandma has a version of this sauce, served on Sunday. It's a thin, flavorful tomato puree served over rigatoni with meatballs,...
It's not easy to improve upon an icon like the club sandwich, shown here on the right, but the secret lies in the details: seasoning each tomato slice...
A Greek take on a meaty Italian lasagna, this baked pasta dinner balances warm, fragrant flavors like nutmeg and cinnamon with a creamy béchamel and cheese...
Mojo de ajo is Spanish for "garlic sauce." In addition to flavoring the fajitas, the mojo can be made separately from this recipe and put to use in other...
Toss together a light but satisfying post-Thanksgiving lunch by teaming leftover turkey and cranberry sauce with peppery watercress and nutty farro for...
No barbecue sauce here! The pork is rubbed with a flavorful Italian-inspired paste made with toasted fennel, fresh herbs, garlic, dried chile, and lemon...
Chipotle adds a hint of smokiness as well as a touch of heat to this earthy chili. If they're not available in your grocery store, substitute 1/2 cup dried...
Combining cold-weather vegetables with protein and leafy greens is a sure route to winter salad success. Here cauliflower is grated and tossed with lemon,...
Scott Peacock and Edna Lewis, authors of "The Gift of Southern Cooking," share their wonderful sauteed okra recipe paired with heriloom tomatoes and bacon,...
Martha's recipe is inspired by one she tasted from Naomi Duguid and Jeffery Alford, authors of Hot Sour Salty Sweet: A Culinary Journey Through Southeast...
Pink Lady apples are a good choice in this dinner recipe because they maintain their shape and texture when cooked. Roasting everything together makes...
Paillards are simply pork chops (or chicken cutlets) that have been pounded to a uniform thickness for even cooking; because they are so thin, the pieces...