Baked ziti is classic Italian-American comfort food! Bake ziti pasta with sausage, tomato sauce, and all kinds of gooey, yummy cheeses. This easy baked...
Everyone needs a recipe for classic ground beef chili. Make this one your go-to! Featuring corn, peppers, tomatoes, and beans, it makes enough to freeze...
Who doesn't love an easy three bean salad, perfect for summer picnics and potlucks?! This classic American picnic salad has cannellini beans, kidney...
This super easy cheese ball recipe is a holiday classic! Shape cream cheese, cheddar, and simple seasonings into a ball and roll it in crunchy pecans....
Cold and refreshing, cucumber soup is a great recipe for a hot summer day and couldn't be easier to prepare. It takes only 10 minutes from start to finish...
This easy Greek Salad is made with plum tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion, bell pepper, kalamata olives, and crumbled feta cheese. Tossed with a lemon and...
Assemble and bake this blueberry French toast casserole with sweet custard and crispy topping right away, or make it ahead and look forward to a brunch...
All the flavors of classic Greek salad in a picnic-ready pasta salad! We've got kalamata olives, tomatoes, cucumber, and feta cheese, all tossed with...
Get your forks ready and dig into this Tex Mex take on the comfort food classic Shepherd's Pie. It's spicy, cheesy and loaded with chicken, beans, and...
This easy Indian dal is ready in under an hour, and makes a satisfying vegetarian lunch or dinner. Serve with rice or naan. This soup also keeps well and...
It's not a party without deviled eggs! This classic deviled eggs recipe is great for all kinds of gatherings, whether an Easter brunch, a summer picnic,...
Cuban-style roast pork is marinated in a garlicky-citrus mojo sauce to deliver flavorful, succulent meat. Cuban pork is easy to make, and the best part...
Roasted root vegetables are one of the easiest side dishes you can make. Toss garnet sweet potatoes, parsnips, carrots, and beets in an apple cider vinaigrette...
Homemade flour tortillas are easy to make in the comfort of your own kitchen. All it takes four simple ingredients (one is water) and about 1 hour - that...
Coquito is a Puerto Rican holiday punch that's rich and sweet with coconut, plus a kiss of cinnamon and rum. One batch makes plenty for a party. Give...
Peanut butter lovers, this one's for you! It's the most decadent and indulgent peanut butter pie EVER, made with extra peanut butter in the filling,...
Make the best of the summer's bounty with this zucchini tomato quiche. With fresh grated zucchini, colorful cherry tomatoes, basil, and Parmesan, it's...
In search of the easiest and best make-ahead mashed potatoes? These extra-rich mashed potatoes can be refrigerated or frozen, then reheated when you're...
Mediterranean tuna pasta is the perfect mash-up of tuna casserole and Nicoise salad. This quick and easy recipe features canned tuna, fresh tomatoes, capers,...
Classic potatoes au gratin is baked in a cream sauce enriched with cheese and topped with breadcrumbs. This favorite potato recipe is as easy to make as...
You'll fall for our vegan mushroom barley soup! Soy sauce, balsamic, a mix of dried and fresh mushrooms, and spinach lend a modern take to this classic...
Kimchi is the name given to any number of fermented vegetables in Korea as a means to preserve the fall harvest for the cold winter months. This quick,...
Simple desserts are sometimes best. Puerto Rican Coconut Pudding, or tembleque, is a simple dessert made from ingredients you probably have on hand - coconut...
This EASY French toast casserole has a super crunchy cinnamon-sugar top! Bake right away, or make it ahead and refrigerate overnight. Give your family...
Make this easy yet impressive one-dish recipe of chicken thighs with potatoes for a satisfying dinner. An herb vinaigrette and shallots add a burst of...
Summery potato salad with green beans, roasted red peppers, red onion, and olives is tossed in vinaigrette that acts as a marinade. It's a make-ahead...
Deviled egg salad is an easy way to reinvent the classic appetizer. It's transportable, shareable, and made for potlucks. Don't forget the sprinkle of...
How do you cook perfect potatoes in the Instant Pot? Find out how to make a big batch and use them all week long for potato salad, breakfast skillets,...
Jammy roasted strawberries burst with sweetness! Roasting them with a vanilla bean takes them to the next level. Serve over ice cream, yogurt, or stir...
Lunch just got easier. Pop open a can of chickpeas and make this vegetarian take on a chicken salad sandwich. It uses pantry staples and is loaded with...
The best homemade strawberry ice cream recipe you'll ever taste! With fresh strawberries and a velvety texture, this is the ice cream to make when fresh...
Quick and delicious, this Asian coleslaw is great with burgers, fish, or any Asian-inspired dish. A creamy dressing with peanut butter and rice vinegar...