Slow Cooker Creamy Chicken and Mushroom in Creamy Mushroom Sauce, a delicious dish that takes comfort food to a whole new level. Super easy to make, big...
Eye of round, a simple boneless beef roast, is what's called a "whole muscle" cut of beef. It's one of the best cuts for sandwiches with gravy or for making...
You can be enjoying this Spicy Udon Stir Fry in just 15 minutes! Endlessly customizable. Add any vegetables or protein you like. Proving that delicious...
This Dijon Mustard Chicken recipe serves up pan fried chicken breasts, that are both crispy and succulent, in a smooth and creamy mustard sauce. Easy,...
Don't get all hung up on the exact array of dried red chiles here. The weight is more important, and even that doesn't have to be exact. And as with all...
Pan Seared Chilean Sea Bass is a light, flaky, delectable seafood entree made for special occasions. Serve this simple, 15-minute entree over arugula salad...
Cheesy Chicken Potato Bake without cream, a fabulous one-pan dinner idea that everybody gets to enjoy. Big on flavours, with a subtle garlic kick, this...
There is always the question of which method is the best for preparing steak, but this Pan Seared Ribeye Steak is perfect and undeniably delicious! Your...
These easy butternut squash recipes will have you loving the versatility of fall's favorite vegetable. Especially when you stuff it with this savory,...
Customise this recipe to make your perfect macaroni cheese for a quick family dinner that everyone will love.You can also make it with extra vegetables,...
Try these chimichangas either baked or pan fried with tender chicken, stuffed Mexican filling all wrapped in a soft but crispy crust on the outside. These...
You are free to use whatever meat you want here: Pork, beef, venison, wild boar, bear -- even duck or turkey. Traditional would be 80 percent pork and...
This is an Italian-inspired seafood pasta recipe with lots of flavors at play. Garlic Shrimp together with Sun-Dried Tomatoes is smothered in a lot of...
Enchiladas Rojas is one of those dishes that are cooked differently in every home. Each cook has his/her own recipe, so this is my own version based on...
This roast leg of lamb is full of robust Greek flavors. Garlic, lemon, and herbs compliment the lamb so well and the meat is so soft and tender and falling...
This baked polenta is an extremely adaptable pantry dinner, and it works just as well without a stash of summer corn. (Of course, if you carefully sliced...
London Broil is a perfectly tender piece of meat after being marinated in a liquid mixture with spices and seasoning then broiled in the oven. A decadent...
Creamy and spicy Thai Green Chicken Curry is the best healthy recipe to cozy up with! Once you know how easy it is to make this 30 minute dinner, it will...
Palak Paneer that is delicious, smooth and creamy. This easy palak paneer recipe is made with fresh spinach leaves, paneer, onions, tomatoes, herbs and...