When I created this cauliflower cheddar soup at the last minute for an impromptu ice skating get-together, it was a hit. -Rosa Renee McEldowney, Jackson,...
When our children were young, I often fixed this warm tuna melt sandwich recipe. They go well with chips and a salad for a quick lunch. -Carole Anhalt,...
Make the most of leftover turkey with this down-home soup. Creating a broth by roasting the turkey, garlic and vegetables adds richness and depth to the...
My family is always happy to see this fruit and veggie salad on the table. If strawberries aren't available, substitute mandarin oranges and dried cranberries....
I was raised on a farm, so a warm soup with homey ingredients, like this corn chowder with bacon, was always a treat after a chilly day outside. My hearty...
Spinach salad looks best-dressed when it's dotted with luscious red strawberries and toasted pecans. Finish it out with a sweet poppy seed dressing. -Erin...
With beets, carrots, cabbage and tomatoes, this Russian borscht soup recipe is great for gardeners like myself. Not only is it delicious, but its bright...
For a different spin on traditional pea soup, try this split pea soup recipe with corned beef. The flavor is peppery rather than smoky, and a tasty change...
This is a satisfying all-purpose Italian dressing recipe. Use this homemade version on salad greens, in vegetable salads or even as a marinade for chicken....
This chicken salad sandwich recipe is perfect to serve when you want to "show off" a little. It features an interesting blend of chicken, nuts, cranberries,...
Toss some good-for-you veggies together with a coating of fat-free salad dressing, and you've got this ideal side dish in no time. From Brooklyn Center,...
Vegetables and herbs fresh from my garden make this one of our favorite soups. This recipe makes a lot, so it's perfect for large gatherings or to freeze...
I got this delicious mandarin orange salad recipe from my sister. She's always coming up with a new recipe. This particular salad struck the whole family;...
My spinach salad with a comforting bacon dressing is a recipe I turn to again and again in winter. It's quick, elegant and so delicious. I can always count...
If you like cream of tomato soup, try making it with purchased roasted red peppers. Using jarred roasted red peppers makes it extra easy and pureeing the...
The prep work for this chili is easy thanks to several pantry staples. It's loaded with shredded chicken and beans. The spicy heat can be tamed a bit with...
Here's what you need: pork, salt, corn flour, egg, corn flour, oil, oil, garlic, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, pineapple, white caster sugar, rice...
While the soup simmers, assemble tasty Mozzarella Tuna Melts. Using a mini food processor to chop the celery and onion for the filling helps shave preparation...
Making salad dressings at home is very easy! This recipe has many pantry staples so it is easy to whip up any time. It tastes wonderful on any greens.-Maron...
A local restaurant serves a similar cheeseburger soup but wouldn't share its recipe with me. So I developed my own, modifying a recipe for potato soup....
I always make this for family events and parties. It reminds me of all the fun barbecues and picnics over the years. Fresh corn and basil make a huge difference...
This sensational salad is a delight to serve because you can make it ahead and it's an easy way to put garden bounty to good use. With colorful ingredients...
My husband loves blue cheese and I like a hearty salad that eats like a meal, so I put the two things together to make this steak salad recipe. The sweet-tartness...
Antipasto ingredients are sliced and diced to make this substantial chop salad. I like to buy sliced meat from the deli and chop it all up so you can get...
Ready to turn over a new burger? I guarantee no one will be missing the beef after tasting these vegetarian burgers. They're moist, tender and full of...
My dad and my father-in-law are the gurus in our chili-loving clan. But after my honeymoon to New Mexico, inspired by the fresh and fragrant chile peppers...
This fresh mango salad is a lively side dish for chicken or fish. Simple to put together and pack for a picnic, it's a yummy way to slip more fruit and...
"I was making a Mexican themed dinner one night last summer, and figured I'd make a salad with the fresh produce I had. I threw in anything that reminded...
A friend from church gave me this apple coleslaw recipe that her grandmother handed down to her. The flavors complement each other well, while the fruit...
My German mother would occasionally cook dishes that were not traditional German recipes. One of my favorites was her Curry Chicken Soup. I've added my...
This super quick garbanzo bean salad is a hit with my crowd. If there are any leftovers, which rarely happens, I pile them into pitas for lunches the next...
"I worked as a summer cook at a Wyoming ranch for more than 20 years, and I made this marinated salad often," writes Nell Cruse of Ontario, Oregon. "It...
As the oldest of eight girls growing up on the farm, I began cooking at an early age! This soup-which I first had at my sister's house-brings me compliments...
Here's a super easy salad that looks and tastes festive for the wonderful Christmas season, but is also wonderful all year round. Vinaigrette dressing...
This is my go-to salad when I need a quick little meal. When I want a sweeter taste, I use whipped cream instead of yogurt. -Wendy Masters, East Garafraxa,...
To feed a crowd, especially when I want to make a good impression, I make this eye-popping cornbread salad. It's beautiful in a trifle bowl. I love it...
One of my piano students taught me the perfect lesson in holiday recipes: this fresh cranberry salad. The keys are tangy fruit, fluffy marshmallows and...
I like to serve this hearty chowder with garlic bread and a salad. It's a wonderful dish to prepare when company drops in. The rich, mild flavor and tender...
There's nothing quite like the comfort of warm homemade soup, and it's even better when your slow cooker does most of the work for you! This slow-cooker...