I got this recipe at a Weight Watcher meeting. This is a delicious recipe that is low if fat and high in fiber. It is loved by even the pickiest eaters...
This is a wonderful recipe for someone who is just starting out in the world of Jellies, Jams and Preserves. It is a simple yet delicious way to start...
This is such a yummy blend of cucumbers and onions in a sweet creamy sauce. When I was young my Grandma would make this for me all the time. That was over...
From the Voluptuous Vegan. Sounds delicious. I'll probably be trying this real soon, so I'll have an update for anyone who's interested. A 1/4 pound of...
What a better way to use those fresh veggies from the Farmers Market this summer. I found this in a Better Homes and Gardens magazine. I didn't think I'd...
Snagged this recipe from a copycat cookbook I saw at BJ's. I had to keep repeating it in my head over and over again on the way home. Well worth the mental...
This is my grandmother's recipe for the salad dressing she used instead of mayonaise. (I never tasted mayo until I was a teenager). We used it in pasta...
When your recipe calls for a can of condensed soup, just make your own! This makes the equivalent of one can of condensed soup (10.5 ounces). Note the...
I got this from my Mom. She got it at her WW meeting. You can use any cake mix. Suggestions are chocolate, spice, or carrot mixes. I haven't tried it yet...
This is way too easy, but it was just a family favorite for years and I didn't see any posts like it, so I thought I would share. I hope you enjoy as much...
Posted by request. Recipe from www.recipegoldmine.com. Prep time does not include peeling cloves. Supposedly you can buy a 1/2 gallon jar of peeled cloves...
MARINATES FOR 24 HOURS (or a long as time allows!) Simply throw the ingredients into a plastic zipper bag with the meat of choice and refrigerate until...
This is just a simple recipe that came from my mom's mom. Its not the most authentic, but it is easy, quick, and good. I always have the ingredients on...
This is great for French fries, a base for chicken or shrimp salad, or to just dip vegetables or chips. We use it as a dip for shrimp cocktail instead...
A lot of folks simply open a couple of cans of green beans, heat, add a bit of butter...and wonder why no one eats them! This simple little "tweak" turns...
I found this in the Easy Cooking card collection that I have. I have fixed it once, and loved it, then proceeded to forget about it. Since discovering...
Caramelizing onions changes their flavour from sharp and pungent to sweet and complex. You cook them until they're deeply coloured and jam-like. The onion...
I found this recipe on the internet and did a bit of tweaking. The original recipe called for 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg and 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract. I made...
I love polenta, soft with stew or firm, sliced and fried or baked with tomato sauce and cheese. This is an especially easy version that I found at the...
I grew up with the traditional 'layered potato and onion' version of scalloped potatoes. My husband doesn't care for onions, so I had to find another way...