A delicious and creamy fall favorite. I came up with this recipe on my own, but it was definitely influenced by the plethora of delicious butternut squash...
These are so easy and so good with so many entrees, especially fried chicken with mashed potatoes. I've been making these for a long time, and they are...
Shakshuka is Tunisian in origin but has become hugely popular in Jerusalem and all over Israel as substantial breakfast or lunch fare. Tunisian cuisine...
This is a delightful make-ahead starter and will definitely impress guests. It has become our staple appetiser for Xmas lunch (here in Perth, Xmas Day...
I found this recipe on the Kraft foods website. It was to die for! I followed the recipe but I added extra artichoke hearts, an 8oz. container of mushrooms,...
Like most foods, I suspect this would probably taste better if it were deep fried, or slathered in oil or butter - but if that's not an option for you,...
I actually prefer canned salmon to fresh!! I like barley and it works well with the salmon and vinegar. This can be served cold as well. Try it on a picnic...
This is for green olive lovers! I got this recipe from a co-worker years ago and I make it every summer. It's inexpensive, easy to throw together and makes...
Often, I read my collection of cookbooks and try something new when I'm not trying something new from Zaar that is. This is from the 2003 Quick Cooking...
This tastes so much better than any canned or frozen Beef-A-Roni, and it's so easy to make! This recipe makes a lot and I freeze individual portions for...
There are many wonderful BBQ sauces around, but what intrigued me about this recipe was that it had hoisin sauce. It is fast, easy and only 5 ingredients....
I don't usually care for Sea Bass but this is outstanding. We stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel in Nevis and on the night of our anniversary we dined in...
A recipe invented by Melissa Clark for her husband the day before he ran the New York City marathon. This is a real pretty and healthful dish for those...
I have looked long and hard for this recipe. I have made alot of test-pizzas. My family and friends say this is the best pizza they have ever had. This...
This is really good, and if you use a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket deli it's much quicker. I doubled the beans but will post the recipe as listed....
No need to roast your own chiles with this super easy method, but you can kick it up a notch by doing so. I make a large batch for my best burritos, then...
This recipe for Soy Pickled Garlic is fool-proof, and the longer you leave it to mature, the better the flavour. This recipe came from an Aussie magazine...
Really good soup, cooks quickly. My boyfriend requests it weekly. Serve with a loaf of crusty bread. The recipe says Cajun sausage, but it works just as...