If you follow this method of cooking basmati rice it will be perfect and fluffy every time; the rinsing is very important as it removes alot of the starch.It...
Make as a side to black beans for a nice vegetarian meal. Annatto seeds are brick red, triangular in shape, 1/8" - 3/16". The seeds are available whole...
A very easy Persian rice recipe. I am suspecting that the curry powder called for is really advieh/baharat or a similar Persian spice mix. From the cookbook...
This meatless casserole can be served with your favorite toppings such as sour cream, chopped avocado, or guacamole. If you would like to add meat, ground...
This makes a nice side to grilled chicken. Recipe courtesy Angela Brassinga and Sunset. If you would like to use leftover rice, add rice to cooked garlic...
I think this recipe came from Canadian Living magazine, but am not sure. The whole meal (which is comprised of Recipe #239788, Recipe #239892, Recipe #239789...
Popeye's is a Louisiana-based fried chicken restaurant chain. This recipe is from America's Most Wanted Recipes - Copycat Versions of Everyone's Best-Loved...
This rice dish is served alongside beans with every evening meal in El Salvador. I actually prefer it over spanish rice now as it has more veggies and...
The ingredient list is daunting, but the results are well worth the effort. My friend Alice gave me this wonderful adaptation of a traditional Eastern...
Based on a recipe from Sheila Lukins cookbook, The New Basics. She says of this recipe, "The North African flavorings will make this pilaf the star of...
This delicious fried rice recipe is from the Westin Maui, Hawaii; where they serve it in a fancy version of a Chinese take-home box. It makes an neat party...
From "Good Eats," episode "American Classics III". Use recipe #337996 to make this. If you don't have time to make your own pickled pork, you can use unsmoked...
Why haven't I ever tried to make rice this way? I absolutely loved this. I made it with Beef and Bean Burritos (also Pioneer Woman). Recipe courtesy of...
Can be made to keep on hand for yourself, or to package and give as gifts. To give as a gift, place rice mix in pint sized Ziplock bags, labeled with instructions....
I love this simple and tasty recipe for Mexican rice. It was taught to me by a Mexican family friend. It really does not take that long to make. It doesn't...
Geelrys is one of many South African dishes with roots in the Dutch East Indies. This sunny yellow side dish is the traditional accompaniment to Recipe...
This recipe comes for the Canadian Living magazine. This soup will have you hoping for a bumper zucchini crop in the vegetable garden (can't wait LOL)....
Taking what I know about rice pilaf, that it can be pretty blan sometimes, I came up with a great TASTY way to make rice. My family requests this all the...
This is a rice pilaf and the signature dish of Azerbaijan. It is normally the final savory course at special occasions, such as weddings, and is brought...
I have had this recipe for years. It's really easy, but tastes like something special. Add a green salad or fruit salad for a complete meal. Cook time...
Rich and creamy, risotto is Italian-style comfort food. If you like, you can leave out the wine and replace it with an equal amount of broth. Because of...
This delicious, easy rice has a light Asian flavor, and pairs well with almost any protein like fish, chicken or pork! The key here is the sesame oil,...
Adapted from the Field of Greens Restaurant which opened in San Fransisco Bay in 1979 and changed forever the image of vegetarian cooking. The dinner chef...
Nice and easy, and of course tastes good. Originally found on mealsforyou.com. Update 07/07/2008 - when I prepared this some time ago - I made some changes:...
Simple and straight-forward, this looks like a tasty side dish! May sub the chicken broth with vegetable broth, to make vegetarian-friendly! Taken from...
A combination of breakfast sausage and rice cooked in chicken broth. Popeye's is a Louisiana-based fried chicken restaurant chain. This recipe is from...
I don't get too excited over vegetables, but this pilaf is really quite nice. This wonderful dish is something that I can see being pared with all meats...
A simple and comforting crock pot soup. It's so easy that the only work you have to do is chop the onions and cilantro; the rest is a "dump and go"! Recipe...
a mixture and modification of several recipes I've found (#468912 & #468912). Sort of a risotto, but simpler to make, good as a side. I added a leek from...
This rice goes with everything and has much more flavor than plain white rice. The recipe comes from the famed Columbia Restaurant which started in Ybor...