Author: Rick Rodgers
Author: Charlotte Fekete
Author: Alexis M. Touchet
Author: Julia Child
Author: Sheila Lukins
Author: Nancy Oakes
Author: Ellen Brown
Author: Dave Kovner
Author: Donna Chrisco Oldford
A trilogy of apple-cider, cider vinegar, and ample chunks of Gala or Fuji- contributes sweet-tart goodness to this Germanic dish. It's a simple, straightforward...
Author: Ian Knauer
Author: Lisa Ferro
Author: Molly Stevens
Author: Carole Chernick
Author: Elinor Klivans
Author: Susan Friedland
This moist cake keeps beautifully for a day or two after you make it.
This cake, thought to have first appeared in the 1920s, has had such names as pineapple glacé and pineapple skillet cake.
Author: Engin Akin
Author: Lillian Chou
Author: Shelley Wiseman
Bittersweet chocolate adds depth to this classic, light-as-air, make-ahead dessert that never disappoints. Get the recipe.
Cinnamon-nut streusel tops an orange-scented muffin packed with cranberries and pecans-at every altitude, this is an unbeatable combination.
Author: Susan G. Purdy
Author: Ellie Krieger
Gefilte fish is one of those recipes where touch and taste are essential ingredients. A basic recipe goes this way:"You put in this and add that." If you...
Author: Joan Nathan
Chef Kris Wessel of Florida Cookery in Miami Beach, Florida, shared this recipe as part of a Palm Tree Christmas menu he created exclusively for Epicurious....
Author: Kris Wessel
How to make a quick and easy summer dessert.
This recipe can be prepared in 45 minutes or less. Some people favor sauteed collard greens boiled until they are meltingly tender, while others prefer...
Author: Del Zimmerman
Though we call this a bread, it's really more of a spice cake that uses grated fresh zucchini as a surprise ingredient. Serve it warm for breakfast, with...
Author: Emeril Lagasse
Author: Tracey Seaman
Author: Helene Cypress