This savory pie calls for roasting tomatoes to concentrate their flavor, then layering them with two kinds of cheese atop a garlic-butter crust for a result...
Yogurt gets used in two ways in this simple dinner party-worthy chicken dish: as a tenderizing marinade and mixed with the pan juices to create a rich...
The brown sugar in the ingredients list below is there to mellow the acidity of the tomatoes, not to make this a sweet dish. Use a sturdy bakery loaf of...
I love to celebrate birthdays with the crew and my bandmates. When we're on the road, it's nice to have the band family celebrate. Jimi's birthday falls...
The thinly sliced zucchini ribbons replace pasta in this delicious, low-carb, noodle-less dish. This lasagna totally satisfies my cravings for cheesy and...
Is there anything better than a beautifully cooked steak? I love the simple flavors in this recipe-just great-quality meat paired with a garlicky herb...
An easy Spiced Pumpkin Bread recipe. Serve one of these loaves the day you make them. Wrap the other in foil and freeze up to one month so that you'll...
Slice up grilled eggplant and zucchini and toss with hot pasta, fresh tomatoes, herbs, and mozzarella for an almost instant ratatouille-inspired pasta...
A combination of nut butter, dried fruit, and lots of seeds makes these chewy homemade granola bars downright irresistible. For a crispier bar, toast them...
An easy Turkey Soup recipe. A few fresh vegetables and a leftover turkey is all you'll need to create this phenomenal soup - perfect for cold nights and...
When I put these ingredients in my rice cooker, I knew the flavors would complement each other, but I wondered what the dish would look like. It was lovely!...
Keep canned salmon on hand and you'll have everything you need to make these crispy, flavorful salmon burgers in your pantry. An easy roasted red pepper...
This is hands down the easiest way to always have delicious chicken cutlets at the ready to feed your family at a moment's notice-no messy dredging or...