Offering a good dose of calcium, zinc, and vitamins A and C, this Middle Eastern-inspired combination makes a healthy handheld breakfast or snack. Topped...
These cookie jar classics are crunchy but with a little chew, the taste a buttery blend of nutty toasted oats and sweet raisins. Take them on picnics and...
Fresh Japanese-style noodles, such as udon, are sold in the refrigerated deli section of some grocery stores and specialty markets. If unavailable, substitute...
Chef Todd Aarons of Tierra Sur at Herzog Wine Cellars in Oxnard, California, shared this recipe as part of a Hanukkah cocktail party menu he created exclusively...
Grilled fennel, tomatoes, and scallions and cumin-rubbed grilled steak turn this quinoa salad into a one-dish dinner you'll want to keep serving all summer...
Skip the mess of deep frying. Pumpkin seed- and panko-crusted fish stays extra crispy when baked on a cooling rack set over a baking sheet, which allows...
Here's a foolproof base recipe and three delicious ways to dress up your holiday ham. Don't forget to save the bone for a fabulous soup! And remember,...
Recipes for this childhood favorite typically call for purchased cookies, boxed pudding, and imitation whipped cream; in this updated version, everything...