You'll find many of these ingredients in the Asian section of your supermarket or health food store. Stock up: We promise you'll be making this well into...
You'll make more dressing than you need for one batch of salad with this recipe, but that's a good thing-you'll want to keep using it on all your salads...
Chicken potpie is a dish many of us crave when we want to conjure up the warmth of home and hearth, and chef Ashley Christensen, owner of Poole's Diner...
In this spicy salad, cubes of fried tofu act like tender-bellied croutons amid the leaves of baby kale, only with much more protein and spunk than the...
The crispy, crunchy tempura kale in this salad takes the place of breadcrumbs, adding a filling bite that will have you going back for more. And the best...
There's no need to reduce your cream or pre-cook the kale for this aromatic casserole; everything cooks together in cheesy, creamy harmony. Leaving the...
Colcannon Potatoes are an Irish mashed potato recipe with mixed with greens and scallions and LOTS of butter and cream. You can't go wrong with this...
I love this soup - it's great to know that once the children have eaten a big bowl of it, they're well on their way to getting their 5-a-day. Feel free...
Sautéed kale, mustard, turnip, beet or collard greens, tossed with toasted pine nuts, golden raisins, a little red pepper and black pepper. Sicilian-style...
Instead of marinating the halibut fillets, which many recipes call for, I cut slits into the top of each fillet and stuff them with a pesto made from kale,...
An easy Quinoa Salad with Kale recipe. We love the way Dijon mustard enhances the similarly assertive flavor of the kale, while mellow pine nuts and Parmesan...
For mornings when you need to feed a crowd a healthy breakfast, this veggie-packed egg skillet recipe is here for you. Serve with toast on the side for...
Rather than being cooked in salted water, the pasta is treated like risotto-simmered in stock and stirred until cooked and creamy-which gives it plenty...