This is the easiest korma recipe I have! A winner for us. Not too spicy, but lots of flavor. If you have ever wanted to try Indian food, this is a good...
This is a traditional North Indian (Punjabi) Bhurtha made with eggplant and tomato, and seasoned with cumin, turmeric garlic and ginger. Serve with fresh...
A spicy cauliflower served whole on a platter - looks like a red and yellow flower. Garam Masala can be found in Indian grocery stores and some traditional...
Moist, luscious, and delicious. Just the right blend of spices make this chicken dish one of my most-requested. Great hot or cold. If using thighs with...
A classic curry-stand recipe. This is not haute cuisine; this is the kind of nuclear-orange tikka masala that you crave when you stumble out of a pub at...
Biryani is a bit of a project and is time-consuming, but I have never been disappointed with the results. Since it is such a festive dish, I usually make...
Convenient (and relatively inexpensive) way to have chai 'lattes' at home. The cardamom can be a bit expensive; try looking in the bulk section of a health...
This is my personal curry recipe that I've ended up developing over the years. It's very versatile - feel free to add any veggies or meats. All the ingredients...
The traditional Goan pork dish flavored with chilies, garlic and vinegar. It's spicy and tangy at the same time. Leaves your taste buds tingling for more....
This is a simple but delicious recipe for Kulfi (Indian Ice Cream) that I got from my sister-in-law. I have made this several times, and it always gets...
Really delicious chicken tikka and just like you get at Indian restaurants or possibly better! Very healthy too! Garnish with sliced onion and lemon wedges....
Healthy preparation of a favorite Indian dish. It is a beautiful yellow-orange color when finished. Make sure you add the lemon juice just before serving;...
Indian food is one of my favorites, so when my friend made this slow cooker version for my family we were head over heels! I don't think I've had a Butter...
A very popular dish from India, this chicken 65 recipe delivers succulent pieces of red hot chicken that are sure to make the mouth water! Serve with white...
This is a hearty meal of chicken and potatoes simmered with Indian spices, tomatoes, Swiss Chard, and yogurt. Adjust the spices to taste. Serve it over...
Kulfi is best described as Indian-style ice cream. However, unlike ice cream, kulfi is not churned. This is a fantastic summer dessert. This is a quick...
Indian-inspired lentils the whole family will love and babies, too. Once the dal and rice are at the desired consistency, it's ready to eat or freeze....
This is a family recipe of a coworker of mine that is from India. Perfect combination of spice and heat, and the chicken comes out tender, not dry. Some...
This recipe has been with me for over 30 years; it was given to me by a Kashmiri guy I shared a house with when I was 17. This is his mum's family recipe....
Simple Indian chicken curry made delicious, spicy and hot with minimum ingredients. This is a basic recipe that can be tried even by beginners. It pairs...
Here, 'tandoori' refers to the yogurt-based, aromatically spiced marinade that can be used on grilled, broiled, or baked meat. You can adjust the spices...
Here is a delightful dish - potatoes and peas in a tomato puree sauce. It's pretty easy to rustle up, and adds zing to any meal. The best thing is that...
A little of this...a little of that, this delicious pork loin roast recipe has just a touch of India, but appeals to everyone! Serve with jasmine rice...
This tomato based curry may be modified for hotness depending on quantity of spices and number of jalapeno peppers used. It is a great favourite with my...
If you've ever had a samosa you'll love this samosa pie! It's very easy to make, even for a beginner! Experiment with your spice level; this is a more...
Easy paneer recipe. Add to your favorite curry or dish. Great for vegetarians. Home made paneer is softer and lighter than the tofu consistency paneer...
Takeaways: the great British institution. We love them. In fact, all of us, on average, have 2 takeaways a week. I love them, too. They're delicious, but...