I found this recipe on another website (don't remember which one). They are really easy and very good. Much better than a buttered noodle, although there...
This is the easiest marinade I have ever used, and one of the most popular with my family. This recipe also works well with any cut of chicken--thighs,...
Yummy and well suited for summer entertaining. The colors make the dish pretty, but it's healthy and filling, too. Made with fat-free mayo, you can't go...
Oranges and brown sugar make this sweet salmon dish absolutely wonderful !!! I'm a little rough on the quantities, as I tend to add as necessary, but you...
This stress-free dish is based on one of my favorite flavor pairings-golden roast chicken and tarragon. The chicken is simply seared on the cooktop, then...
This zesty vinaigrette gets used two ways: as a marinade for the steak and a sauce for serving. The steak cooks over the broccolini and white beans, flavoring...
I found this recipe on Food Network's website and couldn't believe it wasn't on Zaar! This is a super simple fried shrimp recipe from Paula Deen. I tried...
Plank cooking is a Native American technique that imparts a subtle smoky flavor to fish, meat, poultry, and vegetables. It is recommended to use a plank...
"Vegetable soup is something I can eat a ton of and still feel healthy. The problem is, I get hungry again two hours later. So I came up with a version...
SUPER simple!!! Serve with a squeeze of lemon, BBQ sauce, cocktail sauce, horseradish, salsa. . .you name it! No shucking required. NOTE: make sure you...