I love hummus and this recipe lets me enjoy it more often without the higher calorie count of some recipes. Serve with warm pita bread and sliced veggies...
Greek-inspired pan-fried seasoned fish is topped with 'Athenian sauce.' You can use any type of fish. The key to this dish is that the fish and the sauce...
An easy and delicious way to recreate your favorite Greek restaurant dish at home. This Mediterranean-flavored recipe can be served buffet-style allowing...
My mother never really cooked ground meat, but I have given these burgers the flavor of her Greek cooking. I like a lot of pepper on mine, coating each...
This 5-minute spicy Greek feta dip (tirokafteri) is quick and easy to make and irresistibly delicious. Feel free to serve it with bread, veggies, or any...
If you are looking for an authentic dish from Greece, this recipe is for you! I grew up eating this, one of my favorite meals! It's usually made with veal...
I got this recipe from our "Parade" Magazine. It was very good. I especially liked the vinaigrette. I served it on the side. Instead of radicchio (which...
Great Greek dessert. Lemony semolina custard in a phyllo crust with lemon syrup. The Greek traditional way of making it. I hope you will enjoy it as much...
I've taken the traditional Greek recipe, usually made with lamb, and transformed it into a veggie delight for the lovely Amanda Holden - this dish is one...
A co-worker shared this recipe with me. This is another one of my favorite slow cooker comfort foods. I don't know how I survived without this recipe in...
Is this time consuming? Yes. Is it worth it? I thought so, hope you do too. If you can get past the ingredients and instructions, you are in for a true...
Tilapia has a really great, extremely subtle flavor and it doesn't dry out as easily as many other varieties of fish. This tilapia is topped with a mixture...
This is a twist on the traditional meatloaf! A lamb loaf is made with a generous amount of parsley and onion, and seasoned elegantly with lemon zest and...
Great for summer grilling and one of our favorite recipes. For variety you may make this using a variety of Greek herbs and spices - I do! Like adding...
I was craving some Greek food one night, but was also interested in a cheeseburger. I had some Mediterranean-esque ingredients in my fridge. Thankfully,...
This is an easy and delicious way to make Shrimp. You can either cook outside on the grill or in the broiler. The Oregano gives it a mediterranean flavor...
Traditional seasonings, traditional taste, traditional food. A meal your whole family will love. Authentic Greek cooking at its finest. I only use non-GMO...
This is from one of the Mediterranean Cooking cards that my partner, Chef1MOM sent me in the Cookbook Swap. The picture is beautiful, and the combination...
This is a robust, full bodied soup that can stand on its own as a meal. From the cookbook Caprial Cafe Favorites. Caprial is a restaurant owner, television...
This chicken is smothered in a delicious apple juice reduction. It's quick, simple, and a definite keeper. Serve the chicken and sauce over rice for an...
Puff pastry shells hold a mixture of practically anything, but in this recipe, I use two separate shrimp stuffings: one Indian themed and the other Greek...
These Jimmy DeanĀ® sausage spanakopita triangles are a fun and unique twist on the traditional Mediterranean appetizer. Filled with savory sausage, spinach,...
Greek dolmades are my favorite at greek restaurants. You'll find grape leaves in a glass jar, usually in store with a good middle eastern section. These...
There is definilty more than one tradition going on in this recipe. Dill and cucumber unite in a Greek-inspired salad, while salmon and dill are a typical...
Ground beef, feta cheese, and tomatoes are blended with macaroni, then baked in a rich white sauce. This is a wonderful change from traditional Italian...
This comes from one of the cooking school classes, I attended, on greek cuisine. It has always been one of my favorite recipes and one that is fairly simple...
A dish for those who love strong flavors--- absolutely wonderful with herbed roast chicken or pork dishes. Posted for Zaar World Tour VI. Excerpt from...