Swai is light, delicately flavored Asian fish widely available in the US, and very inexpensive. Traditionally this recipe is made with the much more expensive...
These elegant packets look complicated, yet are quite simple to prepare. A seasoned salmon fillet is placed onto asparagus spears and wrapped in parchment...
Swai is light, delicately flavored Asian fish widely available in the US, and very inexpensive. Traditionally this recipe is made with the much more expensive...
Swai is light, delicately flavored Asian fish widely available in the US, and very inexpensive. Traditionally this recipe is made with the much more expensive...
Swai is light, delicately flavored Asian fish widely available in the US, and very inexpensive. Traditionally this recipe is made with the much more expensive...
Swai is light, delicately flavored Asian fish widely available in the US, and very inexpensive. Traditionally this recipe is made with the much more expensive...
This is a French recipe, very easy and a real comfort food. An all in one pot meal! I have gotten people who say they don't like sauerkraut to try this...
A simple French dish that will amaze your friends! Cracked peppercorns are pounded into chicken breast halves, then browned, and topped with a creamy herb...
This one pan dish is actually fairly easy to make and has a French and Mediterranean feel to it. Any store bought olive tapenade will do, but for the blue...
Crisp on the outside, softer in the middle, and coated with creamy chocolate ganache. These French-influenced cookies have a meringue-and-confectioners'-sugar...
This one pan dish is actually fairly easy to make and has a French and Mediterranean feel to it. Any store bought olive tapenade will do, but for the blue...
This was my Grandma's secret family recipe from her French ancestors. I have never seen a recipe like this on any site. It's a rich creamy sauce over chicken...great...
This is a fantastically easy and delicious chicken dish, basically made with onions, white wine, heavy cream and Dijon mustard. Your family will feel like...
This basic hollandaise from chef Michel Roux's "Sauces" cookbook is a rich and creamy topping for classic breakfast dishes like eggs Benedict.Also Try:Hollandaise...
The lamb in this dish is succulent and extremely tasty. Lamb is roasted to perfection with flageolet beans. Serve with rosemary potatoes, if desired. This...
This one pan dish is actually fairly easy to make and has a French and Mediterranean feel to it. Any store bought olive tapenade will do, but for the blue...
My take on the classic French dish. I loved to experiment and didn't follow a recipe. I know the main idea was braising chicken in wine, and you need to...
This is a mouthwatering tender roast with vegetables and a great gravy that gives a fantastic presentation for a dinner party, or for a family New Year's...
This will make an excellent desert for the holidays. Give them cranberries in a whole new way. I don't know how anyone can't love this dish. I was going...
I was looking around for a name for this unusual clafoutis-like combination of peaches, blackberries, thyme, and black pepper. I saw an article that said...
I was looking around for a name for this unusual clafoutis-like combination of peaches, blackberries, thyme, and black pepper. I saw an article that said...
I was looking around for a name for this unusual clafoutis-like combination of peaches, blackberries, thyme, and black pepper. I saw an article that said...
I was looking around for a name for this unusual clafoutis-like combination of peaches, blackberries, thyme, and black pepper. I saw an article that said...
You can use fresh or dried herbes de Provence in this recipe. The mixture commonly contains basil, fennel seed, lavender, marjoram, rosemary, sage, summer...
My take on the classic French dish. I loved to experiment and didn't follow a recipe. I know the main idea was braising chicken in wine, and you need to...
The delicious flavor combination of duck and orange are brought together in this dish. Duck legs are cooked until meltingly tender in a zesty orange sauce....
The delicious flavor combination of duck and orange are brought together in this dish. Duck legs are cooked until meltingly tender in a zesty orange sauce....
Here's an exotic, gourmet dish that will impress everyone. Fennel and shellfish are steamed with an herbed saffron broth, and served along with seared...
These chocolate ganache-filled cream puff swans would be a great way to say thanks to your mother for that whole giving-you-life thing. I think once she...
We made this recipe for a party, so it's enough for 40 people, but the recipe can easily be scaled down. Beurre blanc is basically a white wine reduction...