Poros possesses one of the largest (though levelled) sanctuaries of the God Poseidon. It's situated on one of the highest and most beautiful locations...
Trout with Garlic Lemon Butter Herb Sauce - A simple and delicious way to prepare this fish. It has amazing flavor and perfect for a weeknight meal or...
I love to cook with ingredients that might otherwise be discarded, like fish collars. If you're tempted to treat them as scraps, please don't throw them...
Your feline friends will find these kitty treats purr-fect. Tuna is mixed with eggs, bread crumbs, and brewer's yeast and baked into tasty biscuits that...
Oven Baked Salmon Recipe: garlic, lime, and jalapeño makes for a zesty combination that complements the richness of Salmon. Loads of flavor with minimal...
Perfect crisped skin and a nutty pan sauce make fish feel downright luxurious. Toasting a handful of nuts in a skillet with a few tablespoons of olive...
When it comes to salmon, I think that simple preparation is best. This is a simple way that we use to cook fresh caught salmon either on the grill or in...
This pan-seared tilapia dish is a delicious and easy way to prepare seafood! Great for a quick weeknight meal accompanied with fresh veggies. Try this...
This recipe is from Belize. I really enjoy the addition of fresh local ingredients that are so abundant in this recipe. It's one of the things that makes...
I know ...I know!!! It does not sound delicious but this is one of my favorite meals to eat and serve!! It is super easy and when you serve it it is very...