This is a delicious way to prepare fish that any devout red meat lover will appreciate. It's meaty and yummilicious. Any firm white fish will work - like...
I adopted this recipe when I was looking for a different way to make some cod filets. I had all the ingredients and it looked good. Trying to keep it a...
For all of the seafood lovers who don't want to eat rich, fat food. This one is for you...velvety and tasty. Try serving with some warm crusty bread, if...
Two tips for grilling whole fish like a pro: Use two large metal spatulas to make turning it a lot easier, and season the entire fish-we're talking head...
Fish tacos are a favorite quick and easy weeknight meal. Choose cod, tilapia, or halibut, quickly pan-sear in a skillet, and serve with a simply cabbage...
This recipe is one I created this evening after going to the local market. Wild cod was on sale and my husband was craving it. I thought the delicate flavor...
Make great use of salmon fillets or steaks with this panko-crusted baked salmon recipe. Coat the salmon in honey mustard and bread it with panko for an...
I learned about butterfish in Saratoga, California at the Race Street Market where I first tried it. I wouldn't eat fish as a child and am very particular...
This recipe is a good recipe for those who want to eat fish but don't like fishy taste. Has a great mixture of flavors and textures that even my non fish...
An old recipe, from an old friend, Jayne ... these are very filling and cheesy-gooey. Great with a side-salad for a Saturday night, sit-in-front-of-the-TV-type...