I came up with this recipe because I could not find a recipe I was looking for. A very simple, easy, and quick dish to put together. I always make this...
In Northern New York we like our sharp Cheddar cheese. Other cheeses may work well too. This is great served with a pasta side dish or steamed veggies...
In Northern New York we like our sharp Cheddar cheese. Other cheeses may work well too. This is great served with a pasta side dish or steamed veggies...
A super simple broiled grouper fillet recipe for all of you grouper groupies. Fillets 1 inch thick take about 12 to 14 minutes to cook properly. If using...
An old recipe I got from my Grandmother for a classic New Orleans dish! Redfish, in a simple, delicious, almost creamy tomato style sauce! Simple and superb!!!...
One of my husband's favorites! It's full of creamy, cheesy, crabby goodness that warms you up on a cool rainy night. It's very vegetable savvy, you can...
I made this while camping. It was a break at camp when nobody was there, so I picked up some worms at the trading post and went off to fish down at the...
Use Boursin or Allouette Cheese and canned tomatoes seasoned with onion, peppers and garlic to make this dish with fresh cod. It's an outstanding fish...
Use Boursin or Allouette Cheese and canned tomatoes seasoned with onion, peppers and garlic to make this dish with fresh cod. It's an outstanding fish...
When spring is in the air, fried crappie is what all of the fishermen around here are talking about. This year I left the deep-fryer in the cabinet and...
Crispy breaded fish without frying! My husband only likes deep-fried fish, and he loves this. Feel free to use your favorite seasonings. You can also use...
The wine evaporated before cooking the fish gives it a very particular caramelized wine taste and doesn't need any sauce with it. Goes very well with any...
I love scallops, particularly bay scallops. This is a quick and easy way I've found to prepare them. It has become a regular at my house. If you prefer...
This is a quick and easy dinner solution that is a big hit at my table. You can use perch, walleye, tilapia, and probably any other kind of fish you'd...
Before starting this Salmon en Croûte recipe, make sure you have organised the necessary ingredients for the court-bouillon. For the court-bouillon: Cut...
An old recipe I got from my Grandmother for a classic New Orleans dish! Redfish, in a simple, delicious, almost creamy tomato style sauce! Simple and superb!!!...
This walleye recipe is the one my dad has been using for 25 years. It's light and clean-tasting because there's no sense in masking the naturally delicious...
This wonderful, tangy sauce really compliments the flavor of grilled swordfish steaks. Serve with the cucumber sauce, and the combination of flavors are...
This is a great beer batter fish recipe, and is very easy to do. We often fish all day with friends, and then cook the fish afterwards out on deck. Yummy...
A tangy, easy recipe for almost any firm-fleshed fish fillets: red snapper, sea bass, grouper. Adaptable for sole, flounder, tilapia, and other thin fillets...
Crispy fried fish topped with honeyed apples. This unique dish always get loads of compliments. Plus everyone is always surprised of the pairing of fish...
I love orange roughy. This is a nameless recipe I just came up with using things I had on hand. It is made in a skillet, but no frying here. If you wish...
Almost any whole fish can be cooked with this method, but snapper or sea bass are particularly good with the Thai flavors. If you can find it, try fresh...
Almost any whole fish can be cooked with this method, but snapper or sea bass are particularly good with the Thai flavors. If you can find it, try fresh...
Almost any whole fish can be cooked with this method, but snapper or sea bass are particularly good with the Thai flavors. If you can find it, try fresh...
I love orange roughy. This is a nameless recipe I just came up with using things I had on hand. It is made in a skillet, but no frying here. If you wish...
Almost any whole fish can be cooked with this method, but snapper or sea bass are particularly good with the Thai flavors. If you can find it, try fresh...
Use Boursin or Allouette Cheese and canned tomatoes seasoned with onion, peppers and garlic to make this dish with fresh cod. It's an outstanding fish...