This is a great recipe for a night when you're feeling lazy - only a few ingredients, nothing to chop, easy cleanup, and very yummy! My husband announced...
This is a great recipe for a night when you're feeling lazy - only a few ingredients, nothing to chop, easy cleanup, and very yummy! My husband announced...
Crispy breaded fish without frying! My husband only likes deep-fried fish, and he loves this. Feel free to use your favorite seasonings. You can also use...
This is one of my 'go to' recipes and it takes only about 15 minutes from start to finish. The only prep work really is mashing the garlic. The sauce is...
This is one of my 'go to' recipes and it takes only about 15 minutes from start to finish. The only prep work really is mashing the garlic. The sauce is...
Scallops are one of the most delicious foods if seared properly, and the addition of peppers and onions complements them quite well. Serve with couscous...
Incredible Caribbean Style Yellowtail. My Grandfather used to prepare this dish aboard his 20 foot skiff during the spring months in the 70's off the Channel...
This is a quick and easy dinner solution that is a big hit at my table. You can use perch, walleye, tilapia, and probably any other kind of fish you'd...
Super-fast entree that tastes like you spent time in the kitchen. Light, crisp flavors of lime and dill say 'summertime' even if you grill this in the...
This dish uses oranges with haddock which is a change from most dishes that use lemon with fish or seafood. It's a nice refreshing change. It pairs well...
Nothing beats fresh trout, especially when it is stuffed with a fresh dill and lemon bread stuffing. The fresh flavors of this dish will leave your mouth...
No cooking involved. This recipe is for busy people looking for an easy recipe; great for fish lovers, even those a bit skeptical of sardines. This recipe...
This Chilean sea bass recipe is melt-in-your-mouth delicious! I had it at Blue Water Grill in NYC, and it was by far the best sea bass I've ever had in...
This Chilean sea bass recipe is melt-in-your-mouth delicious! I had it at Blue Water Grill in NYC, and it was by far the best sea bass I've ever had in...
My mom gave me this recipe and it is very easy to prepare. The citrus sauce makes it a refreshing and flavorful dish. Buy 1/2 inch thick orange roughy...
This wonderful, tangy sauce really compliments the flavor of grilled swordfish steaks. Serve with the cucumber sauce, and the combination of flavors are...
A super simple broiled grouper fillet recipe for all of you grouper groupies. Fillets 1 inch thick take about 12 to 14 minutes to cook properly. If using...
One of my husband's favorites! It's full of creamy, cheesy, crabby goodness that warms you up on a cool rainy night. It's very vegetable savvy, you can...
I love orange roughy. This is a nameless recipe I just came up with using things I had on hand. It is made in a skillet, but no frying here. If you wish...
I love orange roughy. This is a nameless recipe I just came up with using things I had on hand. It is made in a skillet, but no frying here. If you wish...
Who would think bananas would go so nicely with fish? I used sole with this recipe, but I think any white fish would work. My family usually doesn't eat...