The classic pairing of fruit with cheese becomes dinner in this griddled sandwich of crisp Asian pear, creamy, tangy blue cheese and sweet-hot pepper jelly....
Everyone loves a good Bolognese sauce, but not if it takes hours to make. Pressure cooker bolognese sauce, on the other hand uses traditional Bolognese...
These omelettes are packed with herbs and flavor. Even the pickiest of eaters will love this recipe.This recipe is from chef Einat Admony and courtesy...
These roasted cauliflower steaks are delicious and stunning! Perfect as a side dish, but also hearty enough to stand alone as an entree, simple seasonings...
A delicious Vegan Creamy Sesame Ramen recipe from Melissa Copeland of the fantastic vegan food blog The Stingy Vegan, a review of her inspiring new cookbook...
Rich, flaky salmon pairs beautifully with briny tomato-olive salsa-especially when grilled. Smothered with roasted poblano peppers and served over white...
Alicia Stoltenberg from Everyday Home Cook shares her recipe for Beef, Bean, & Cheese Taquitos. Taquitos are a fun food for appetizers, or even a main...
An ELT is like a BLT, but with one obvious caveat - it uses eggs instead of bacon. Of course, bacon is great when you're craving something hearty and it...
If you want to make an easy, yet flavorful meal, chicken fajitas is the way to go. This is such an easy 30 minute recipe with an amazing marinade and only...
Dinner can't get any easier than roasting a fish of your choice and adding fresh vegetables and seasonings with it. The sweet roasted bell peppers will...
These tamales are filled with roasted green chile and cheese. But it doesn't end there - the filling is slow simmered in suero (whey) that my mom brought...
Tourtière is a dish that I really only have once or twice a year, but it's one of my favorite meals. It's French Canadian in origin, but tourtières are...
These burgers will put an island twist on your next backyard barbecue. Mango creates a bright and sunny flavor and the jerk seasoning brings a little heat.This...
Thane Prince This is a popular British dish similar to kedgeree. But, it has lovely runny egg yolks rather than hard-boiled. It'd make a great supper...
Savory, sweet, and spicy, drunken noodles are a simple, few ingredient recipe for making oil-free Thai food at home. Add some seared tofu some favorite...
Here's a great excuse to get out the deep fryer: crispy, battered and fried Alaskan Pollock tossed in a two-ingredient sauce. Make sure to use chili garlic...
Whip up this flavorful Mushroom, Tomato and Basil Ragout Recipe, and ladle it over a toasted English muffin for a healthy and easy vegan meal. 246 calories...
It doesn't get any easier than this 3-bean vegetarian chili. Just throw everything into the slow cooker and you'll be rewarded with a healthy meal by dinner...
Want to create a crispy, crunchy exterior on your wings without deep-frying them? Dip them in egg then dredge them in breadcrumbs. Pair with a tangy, sweet...