Beef short ribs are slow cooked in red wine, hearty beef broth and a rich tomato paste that's perfect over mashed potatoes, risotto, rice, or noodles!...
Feel like you're visiting the coast of Spain when you taste this fantastic dish. Simply marinate chicken thighs, place in the slow cooker and later serve...
It's almost hard to believe that something that tastes this good and looks this impressive can be this easy - but it's true. Sautéed chicken breasts are...
This Easy Eggplant Moussaka recipe is a quick version of the Greek dish made with layers of eggplant and spiced ground beef and topped with a bechamel...
Full of fall squash, veggies and hints of chipotle powder and cinnamon, this vegan Butternut Squash & Black Bean Chili makes a really wonderful warm autumn...
Time-saving shortcuts, like rotisserie chicken, prepared dressing, crunchy chips, and pre-shredded cheese, make this salad easy and quick. Fresh summer...