Cue one of the most comforting dinners of them all - the traditional meatloaf recipe. Moist and tender, this 2lb meatloaf recipe is easy to make and features...
If you're looking for an easy recipe for BBQ meatloaf, look no further. Ready to bake in just 10 minutes, this meatloaf with bbq sauce is tender and irresistible....
Make weeknight dinners a breeze with our roast pork tenderloin recipe that calls for just 10 minutes of prep time. We love pork recipes like our BBQ pulled...
The ultimate in comfort food, this chicken and broccoli casserole with rice is definitely a crowd pleaser. A full meal all in one, this hearty casserole...
Our quick and easy jambalaya recipe is a flavorful and filling dish all made in one pot - perfect for busy nights! This comforting, Cajun dish calls for...
Take your tastebuds to the Italian countryside! Perfect for any day of the week, this easy Chicken Cacciatore recipe is quick to make and ready to serve...
You only need 5 ingredients for this slow cooker chili recipe, and it's a snap to prepare. Made with our Slow Cookers Chili Seasoning, this warm chili...
Just 15 minutes of prep - and one pan - for buttery, garlicky baked salmon. Slather fish with a mouth-watering herb butter starring McCormick® Perfect...
Make this taco casserole recipe for the ultimate taco party and quick Mexican dinner. Mixed with corn tortilla chips and pinto beans, this easy taco casserole...
This one-pan baked rosemary chicken recipe is a winner in our book and is sure to be one in your recipe rotation - especially when it comes to budget-friendly...
Unlike most baked pasta recipes, this one starts with uncooked pasta so it's super convenient. With the added water and canned diced tomatoes, the pasta...
Looking for a grilled steak recipe that's just as impressive as it is flavorful? The secret is out - our Montreal steak marinade is just what you need....
Add some spice to everyone's favorite comfort food. This mac & cheese has a Southwestern accent from the Monterey Jack cheese, green chiles and Southwest...
Whether you're looking for a shortcut for busy weeknight dinners or want to feed the whole family with one main dish, this one-pan pasta recipe is a hit....
Baked with lemon flavor, olive oil, minced garlic, and the incredible character of French's Dijon Mustard, this baked salmon recipe is quick, easy, and...
Fill your tummy with this pork tenderloin oven roasted recipe. Roast alongside onions and baby carrots seasoned with rosemary and thyme and then serve...
Serve shredded chicken slow cooked with tomatoes, corn and black beans over rice or as a burrito in flour tortillas. Make it a fiesta of flavors by adding...
Brush pork with brown sugar and a robust blend of McCormick® Rosemary, Paprika and Garlic Powder, for a meal that's equal parts sweet and savory. Bake...
McCormick Chili Seasoning Mix is a zesty blend of spices for an easy chili recipe that's full of flavor and won't take long to make. McCormick's signature...
Get cookout-ready with this tasty recipe for Frango churrasco - a spicy, chargrilled South American dish. Season chicken with Grill Mates® Brazilian Steakhouse...
Looking for an easy pork chop recipe? Dinner doesn't get any easier than this - these crunchy pork chops are infused with juicy, baked oven flavor. Get...
For moist flavorful turkey, rub a savory sage seasoning mixture all over turkey. Also, add water to the roasting pan and loosely cover the turkey with...
Make the perfect pork chops with just 10 minutes prep time with these easy slow cooker pork chops. Seasoned with French's Classic Yellow Mustard, dark...
Slow cooker beef stew is a staple among fall and winter slow cooker recipes. This recipe is loaded with the usual potatoes, carrots and celery for a hearty...
Learn how to make meatloaf with a new spin by following our crunchy onions meatloaf recipe. The addition of French's Crispy Onions adds extra onion flavor...
While you're at work, your slow cooker is working, too, simmering this flavorful chicken and rice meal. Golden curry powder, a combination of 15 flavorful...
Every coastal town seems to have their own version of a seafood feast. There's clam bakes, crab boils and shrimp fests ... but in Charleston, they call...
If you're ready for a new go-to recipe, look no further. Perfect for busy weeknights or when you're short on time, this one-pan chicken and veggies sauté...
Surf and turf takes on a whole new meaning with these must-have skewers. The perfect mixture of salty, smoky and a hint of sweet scallop, our bacon wrapped...
Home-fried chicken is best served crispy, golden on the outside, moist and tender on the inside. OLD BAY® is the special seasoning agent in this juicy,...
This simple crab cake recipe makes a refreshing yet savory dish that's perfect for the summer months and beyond. OLD BAY® Seasoning, French's® Classic...
A classic ingredient in French cooking, tarragon is known for its cool, bittersweet minty flavor and anise-like aroma. Use it to flavor egg and cheese...
A sweet-smoky rub featuring smoked paprika, brown sugar and cinnamon complements salmon's moderate flavor and moist meaty texture. Served on a bed of sautéed...