Olive oil and dried herbs are all that's needed for this fuss-free, yet flavorful home-cooked roasted chicken breast. While it's baking, pull together...
These vegan enchiladas with black beans and bell peppers are super delicious and satisfying! And they are really easy to make, so they make a great weeknight...
Caramelized sweet onions slow cook with bone-in chicken breasts to make a delicious French onion-style dish. Serve with slices of toasted garlic cheesy...
This easy mushroom spaghetti sauce is hearty and robust in flavor with minimal effort! This recipe is made with simple ingredients you probably already...
This easy penne pasta bake is a freezer-friendly comfort food you can make ahead and enjoy later. Surprise the people you love with a cheesy penne pasta...
Healthy Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal is like a warm slice of pumpkin pie without the crust and refined sugars. It's made with WFPB ingredients in 1 bowl using the...
Grilling brings out the flavors of chicken, sausage and veggies in this delicious dish. Serve the mixture over linguine that's been tossed in pesto for...
Chorizo comes in two forms - fresh and cured. Fresh chorizo (used in this recipe) is a common ingredient in Mexican dishes, while the cured (which comes...
This roasted veggie enchilada casserole recipe is a hearty, vegetable-packed dinner loaded with fresh Mexican flavors! It's a great gluten-free main dish....
Looking for something easy and impressive to serve at your next brunch? This Italian spin on a traditional strata, packed with sausage, spinach and Parmesan...