Italian cabbage with sweet and smoky notes from fennel, tomato, onion and smoked paprika. Add some buttery cannellini beans or some plant based sausage...
An easy, everyday recipe for lentil soup with potatoes, carrots, kale, and simple herbs and seasonings. The perfect plant-based main or side that requires...
Creamy Lemon Chicken Pasta with Basil & Peas. This creamy ONE pot pasta loaded with chicken, basil and peas can be ready, from prep to finish, in 30 minutes...
This Baked Spaghetti Recipe is a cheesy vegetarian pasta casserole dish that is simple to make, requires only one pan in the oven and a family favorite...
Classic Beef Brisket includes an easy brisket rub recipe and a slow cooked oven method. The result is a juicy, tender, melt-in-your-mouth meal that you...