Fix up family dinner in 40 minutes with this Impossibly Easy pie recipe featuring one of our favorite better-together flavor combos: mushrooms and Swiss...
Cassoulet is a traditional French bean stew with pork, duck confit, and sausage. It takes some time to prepare, but it's very doable even if it's your...
Using Progresso™ broth and Pillsbury™ Grands!™ biscuits in this homemade chicken and dumplings recipe streamlines your prep time to just 30 minutes....
Satisfy hearty appetites with a tuna casserole that has a few tasty extras like broccoli, roasted red bell pepper and a sprinkling of buttery Progresso™...
Okra and tomatoes prepared Mediterranean-style with onions, garlic, hot peppers, warm spices and a splash of lime juice. This quick-cooked vegan okra stew...
Mexican skillet dinner ready in 30 minutes! Enjoy this delicious ground beef, rice and vegetables dish made using Old El Paso® taco seasoning and whole...
This recipe is all you need to make an all-star vegetarian baked ziti with ricotta, marinara sauce, and a layer of bright veggies. Perfect weeknight baked...
"Ten" is the magic number for this easy beef brisket slow cooker recipe. You need just 10 minutes of prep time to make 10 hearty servings of barbecue brisket....
This pork roast is so easy to make it almost cooks itself. But you can take all the credit when your guests start to moan after tasting this deliciously...
Look no further for the perfect Pot Roast and gravy recipe! This classic recipe results in falling apart tender, extra flavorful, melt in your mouth pot...
Pull together these cheesy, easy meatless enchiladas with the help of a few and Old El Paso pantry standards. Black beans, corn and green chilies lend...