These Shrimp Tacos are a must-try - loaded with plump juicy shrimp, crisp cabbage, avocado, cotija cheese, cilantro and a lime crema sauce that will win...
This Creamy Herb Mushroom Chicken Recipe is a crowd pleasing, one-pan 30-minute chicken dinner. Every bite is so juicy and tender. This chicken and mushrooms...
This dish is always a hit! The shrimp, orzo, tomatoes and cayenne pepper remind me of a Creole favorite, but the Italian seasoning adds a different twist....
This came from Woman's Day magazine, slow cooker recipe card. Roll up in burrito size flour tortillas, or serve in taco shells or on hamburger buns, shredded...
I use this in almost all apple dishes..from crisp to pie to is good for a lot of things..lots cheaper to make your own..I have paid upwards...
These are the best made with homemade tortillas and sauce; however will taste good with store bought as well. Everyone I've made these for always asks...
It doesn't get any easier than this. Mix all the ingredients, turn upside down everyday and Viola, you have your very own homemade Brandy Liqueur. Not...
A Low Fat Southwestern treat. I found this hearty appetizer recipe in a magazine a few years ago, and it is one of our family's favorites. Not only is...
This Grilled Ribeye Steak recipe is incredibly easy and doesn't require a lot of preparation. All you need is a couple well-marbled ribeyes, a hot grill,...
A delicious roast chicken salad made with brown and wild rice mixed together with avocado, apple cider vinegar, rocket leaves, slices of fresh nectarine,...
This strawberry, apple and pear spinach salad is easy, light and delicious. I've created a tasty mild strawberry poppyseed vinaigrette to go with it. This...
This Caesar Pasta Salad is scrumptious and makes for an easy weeknight family meal. It has all the creamy goodness of a classic caesar salad, but more...
This is so easy, it's almost embarassing posting it. Perhaps a version is already here, but this is how we do it. Try the chicken with homemade dumplings,...
This dish is from the 1950s in Harry's Bar, Venice, Italy and was named after the Italian painter Vittore Carpaccio, who was known for the reds and whites...
Not sure why this is called Italian Shrimp. it is really barbequed shrimp with Italian hervs, garlic and Olive oil. Serve as an appetizer in a chafing...
This recipe is untested by me but posted for ZWT 3, since I was looking for new things this week for diner. I found it on I think it looks pretty...
Who can resist a cheesy hot artichoke dip?? Not I, said the pregnant lady! ;) This recipe is so easy to assemble and is the perfect party food; always...
You have to try this easy to make Mushroom Ricotta Manicotti, which gets its creamy richness from a mix of cream, cream of mushroom soup, and ricotta cheese....
This is an amazing chili recipe that I found in the Foodnetwork Magazine. It's a true Texas chili and has no beans. It was so good and my husband just...
This shrimp avocado salad has all of the best flavors of summer. Loaded with avocado, cucumbers, tomatoes and corn all over a bed of bright romaine with...
My boyfriend used to whine (like a little girl! LOL) when I said I was making soup for dinner. With filling and super flavorful recipes like this one,...
How to make Grilled Pork Chops that are always juicy on the inside with a perfectly seasoned crust. This is the best way to grill pork chops. Brush with...
The easiest homemade coleslaw recipe. Shredded white and red cabbage with carrots in a sweet and tangy creamy homemade dressing. This 10-minute recipe...
These breaded, baked chicken drumsticks are crunchy on the outside and super tender on the inside. The garlic mustard sauce is delicious! There's no need...
A testament to time-saving efficiency (or perhaps a little laziness on my part), these lemon blueberry corn muffins can be assembled in five minutes, thanks...
A quick favorite appetizer, shared by a co-worker. I have not once taken left-overs on this one! NOT ONCE! I always volunteer to bring this one--it's my...
This peach cake is easy (just 4 steps!), moist, crumbly, and will make you want to invite all your friends for tea. It's awesome to have a quick cake recipe...
Creaming butter correctly, keeping butter doughs cold, and starting with fresh, good-tasting butter are vital details that professionals take for granted,...
Thai shrimp cakes are very tasty appetizers with very memorable flavors that come from fresh ingredients used in this recipe. With the use of fresh ingredients...