This was something I made to take to a potluck at work. I started out making it as a whole bean dip/salsa, but when I finished, it seemed it would make...
This meltingly tender pork shoulder is the ultimate make-ahead dinner party main. A chimichurri-style fresh basil sauce balances the rich pork with bright...
A sweet and sour chicken recipe that has the surprising ingredient of frozen lemonade concentrate. The sauce simmers in the crockpot and becomes mellow...
Dinner comes together in a snap by cooking succulent shrimp and pasta all in the same pan. Tossed with a fresh spinach and basil pesto sauce and garnished...
Some days you just need a slow cooker meal...! Love soups and was looking for something a little different. If you have an open jar or packet of thai curry...
This 5 Minute Microwave Ricotta Cheese recipe shows you how easy it is to make cheesy, delicious homemade ricotta cheese, without much equipment or time!...
This is the brine recipe my Mom always used when smoking fresh lake fish, cornish game hens, chicken, porkchops, even duck or goose. It is an all purpose...
Derived from several different recipes here on Zaar to make the perfect (to me) beef and gravy concoction that is ready when I get home from work... or...
Twice Baked Potatoes are a delicious way to use baked potatoes and even leftover baked potatoes. These potatoes are stuffed with creamy potatoes, sour...
From Taste of Home I love anything with Cajun spices, so I came up with this slow-cooker jambalaya that's just as good as that served in restaurants,"...
Gravlax is easy to make, but make sure that plenty of time is allowed for the uncooked salmon to cure. This can be made on smaller cuts of salmon, just...
This easy 5 ingredient mango salsa with avocado only takes 5 minutes to make and hits your taste buds in all the right spots; sweet, savory, tangy and...
Make your feast more special for this year's holiday with this simple orange jalapeño cranberry sauce that can be ready in 15 minutes. An easy recipe...
Pampushki are starchy morsels usually served with soup, such as Borsch. What's unique about these is that they are made using both mashed potatoes and...
Did you forget to pick up the BBQ sauce for dinner? No worries, with our Grandma's Best BBQ sauce, you will have the ingredients in your pantry. A sweet...
Everyone's favorite side dish, now deep-fried! This is a great accompaniment to any dish you would serve with potatoes, or as a party appetizer with...
I always see thresher shark on sale at the store and decided to use a simple marinade that I have come up with over the years to tenderize and then broil...
The BEST crock pot Mississippi Pot Roast recipe. Chuck roast cooked with butter, pepperoncini, Ranch dressing mix and gravy mix until melt-in-your-mouth...
Salsa Chicken Casserole will take dinner to a whole new level. With a quick stir-fry, this casserole can be on the table in under 30 minutes. Perfect on...
I decided to give this dish a Maryland twist filled with lump crab meat and a surprise crumble on top, but no matter which cheese, noodle, or crumble you...
Super easy peasy and pucker baked carrots. This recipe is close to the one that Jamie Oliver prepared in Season 2 of his Naked Chef show, I think the episode...